



Deploy by end of Y3Q1

over 8 years late (2016-12-31)

Phase 2, year 3, quarter 1 (31 Dec 2016)


258 issues   (201 closed57 open)

Deploy by end of Y4Q1

over 7 years late (2017-12-31)

Phase 2, year 4, quarter 1 (31 Dec 2017)


9 issues   (4 closed5 open)


over 5 years late (2019-09-30)

These nodes are currently operational in production.


497 issues   (437 closed60 open)

h1. Operational

h1. Member Node Deployment Tracking

This project is used to track and document the process of evaluating, implementing, and deploying new Member Nodes. It is also used to identify actions needed for operational Member Nodes.

h2. MNs in Process of Deployment

# NodeIdentifier Subject MN Tier Assignee Updated Priority
8847urn:node:igbfredFreshwater Research and Environmental Database (IGBFRED)Tier 1Dave Vieglais2019-10-17 19:23Normal
8839urn:node:FIGSHARE_KILTHUBCMU KiltHub via Figshare Roger Dahl2019-09-24 17:48Normal
8828SESAR2019-08-01 16:09Normal
8725NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research)2018-10-08 13:33Normal
8254 urn:node:ABDSABDS - Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (CAFF)Amy Forrester2019-09-17 14:31Normal
7865Hydroshare (CUAHSI)John Evans2019-09-17 14:33Normal
7296urn:node:GCOOSGCOOSTier 1Monica Ihli2018-04-16 15:53Normal
4730urn:node:GBIFGlobal Biodiversity Information FacilityTier 4Dave Vieglais2018-09-26 19:45Normal
3234urn:node:CYVERSECyVerse (iPlant) member nodeTier 1Rob Nahf2019-03-05 18:36Normal
3230urn:node:ARMARM - Atmospheric Radiation Measurement member nodeTier 1John Evans2019-11-25 20:10Normal

h2. Operational MNs

# NodeIdentifier Subject MN Tier Assignee Updated
8772urn:node:METAGRILmetaGRILJing Tao2019-10-08 17:16
8721urn:node:IEDA_USAPIEDA_US Antarctic Program Data Center (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance)Tier 1Dave Vieglais2019-05-14 13:46
8704urn:node:IEDA_MGDLIEDA_Marine-Geo Digital Library (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance)Tier 1Dave Vieglais2019-05-14 13:47
8544urn:node:CAS_CERNChinese Ecosystem Research NetworkTier 1Amy Forrester2018-12-04 14:56
8186urn:node:ESS_DIVEESS-DIVE, including CDIACTier 3Matthew Jones2018-12-04 14:57
8035urn:node:IEDA_EARTHCHEMIEDA_EarthChem Library (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance)Tier 1Dave Vieglais2019-05-06 14:25
7969urn:node:FEMCFEMC (Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative) - was VMC Vermont Monitoring CooperativeTier 1Monica Ihli2019-08-27 17:22
7956urn:node:EDIEnvironmental Data Initiative (EDI)Tier 3Laura Moyers2018-11-13 19:14
7895urn:node:PANGAEAPangaeaTier 1Monica Ihli2018-12-04 14:58
7842urn:node:RWResearch WorkspaceTier 1Roger Dahl2018-08-14 17:05
7629urn:node:ARCTICArctic Data Center - Data and Software about the ArcticTier 3Matthew Jones2018-01-10 17:53
7082urn:node:USGS_SDCUSGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)Tier 1Laura Moyers2018-10-09 16:27
7051urn:node:GRIIDCGRIIDC - Gulf of Mexico Research InitiativeTier 1Laura Moyers2018-09-25 17:14
6957urn:node:NRDCNRDC - Nevada Research Data CenterTier 1Amy Forrester2019-10-08 18:39
6708urn:node:NEONNEON - National Ecological Observatory NetworkTier 1Bruce Wilson2019-06-06 19:52
6674urn:node:OTS_NDCOTS - Neotropical Data CenterTier 1Jing Tao2019-06-10 13:03
6562urn:node:BCODMOBCO-DMOTier 1Laura Moyers2021-12-04 00:47
6548urn:node:R2RR2R RepositoryTier 1Monica Ihli2018-07-26 13:49
6544urn:node:TERNTERN Australia (powered by AEKOS)Tier 1Bruce Wilson2019-05-22 14:21
6485urn:node:TDARThe Digital Archaeology Record (tDAR)Tier 1Laura Moyers2019-10-09 02:24
6401urn:node:NMEPSCORNM EPSCoRTier 4Roger Dahl2019-03-05 18:13
5451urn:node:FIGSHARE_CARYCary Institute (via Figshare)Tier 1Monica Ihli2019-04-17 21:39
4700urn:node:IARCIARC (International Arctic Research Center) Data ArchiveTier 4Amy Forrester2019-10-08 15:20
3748urn:node:PPBIOPPBIO Member NodeTier 1Jing Tao2018-08-31 15:20
3708urn:node:US_MPCMinnesota Population CenterTier 4Laura Moyers2018-08-06 19:43
3687urn:node:IOEMontana State University Institute on EcosystemsTier 4Amy Forrester2019-10-08 15:29
3560urn:node:CLOEBIRDCornell Lab of Ornithology eBirdTier 4Laura Moyers2018-08-06 21:12
3559urn:node:ONEShareONEShareTier 3Amy Forrester2019-09-03 16:40
3558urn:node:CDLCDL MerrittTier 3Laura Moyers2018-08-23 17:05
3557urn:node:LTERLTER NetworkTier 4Roger Dahl2018-09-25 17:17
3556urn:node:ESAESA Data RegistryTier 4Amy Forrester2019-10-08 15:28
3555urn:node:SANPARKSSANParksTier 4Laura Moyers2018-05-09 21:19
3554urn:node:KNBKNBTier 4Jing Tao2018-08-31 15:16
3553urn:node:PISCOPISCOTier 4Laura Moyers2018-01-10 01:13
3531urn:node:GOAGulf of Alaska Data PortalTier 3Laura Moyers2018-05-15 17:40
3530urn:node:mnUCSB1Replication instance at UCSBTier 4Dave Vieglais2018-08-31 15:22
3529urn:node:mnORC1Replication instance at ORCTier 4Dave Vieglais2018-08-31 15:21
3521urn:node:SEADSEAD Member NodeTier 1Laura Moyers2019-06-05 17:46
3238urn:node:NKNIdaho Northwest Knowledge Network member node Tier 4Amy Forrester2019-10-08 15:14
3232urn:node:LTER_EUROPELTER-EUROPETier 1Laura Moyers2018-11-21 16:58
3228urn:node:NCEINCEI - National Centers for Environmental InformationTier 1Dave Vieglais2019-07-08 16:28
3221urn:node:EDACGSTOREEDAC member node Tier 1Amy Forrester2018-08-31 15:15
3213urn:node:UICUniversity of Illinois, Chicago member nodeTier 4Jing Tao2020-01-23 22:42
3201urn:node:TFRITaiwan Forestry Research InstituteTier 4Amy Forrester2019-10-08 15:26
3172urn:node:mnUNM1Replication instance at UNMTier 4Dave Vieglais2018-08-31 15:22
3118urn:node:DRYADDryad Member NodeTier 1Laura Moyers2019-03-05 18:37

h2. Deployment Workflow

The workflow for MNDeployment issues roughly follows the workflow from the diagram above, and is:

| |
V |
New <--> Review --> In Progress <--> Testing <--> Operational --> Deprecated
| | | |

h2. New

The member node is proposed and perhaps there has been some initial discussion.

h2. Review

The member node application is in the process of review which may include iteration of information gathering sufficient to determine whether to continue with the implementation path or to reject the application.

Each member node should have an accompanying member node description document, the template for which can be found at:


h2. In Progress

An agreement has been reached and the member node software, data connections and other aspects are in active development and testing iteration.

h2. Testing

The member node software and installation are undergoing acceptance testing prior to becoming operational.

h2. Operational

The node is operational and participating in the production environment.

h2. Deprecated

The node is in the process of, or has been deprecated and thus is no longer participating in the production environment.

h2. Rejected.

The potential node has been found to be unable to participate in DataONE for some reason technical or otherwise.

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