MNDeployment #3531
Gulf of Alaska Data Portal
The GulfWatch Alaska Member Node represents data collected as part of a multi-institutional scientific collaboration focused on monitoring the areas of the Gulf of Alaska impacted by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. The node is currently managed via the Alaska Ocean Observing System through a partnership with NCEAS.
#1 Updated by John Cobb almost 12 years ago
- Start date deleted (
2013-01-30) - translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0
- Tracker changed from Task to MNDeployment
#2 Updated by John Cobb almost 12 years ago
- Due date set to 2013-07-31
- Start date set to 2013-01-30
- Target version set to Deploy by end of Y4Q4
#3 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 11 years ago
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y4Q4 to Deploy by end of Y5Q2
- Due date changed from 2013-07-31 to 2014-01-31
#4 Updated by Laura Moyers over 11 years ago
- Latitude set to 61.19
- Longitude set to -149.76
#5 Updated by Matthew Jones over 11 years ago
- Due date changed from 2014-01-31 to 2013-10-31
- Subject changed from AOOS MN to Gulfwatch Alaska MN
- Status changed from New to Testing
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y5Q2 to 315
- Latitude changed from 61.19 to 61.22
- Longitude changed from -149.76 to -149.90
- Base URL set to
- NodeIdentifier set to urn:node:GULFWATCH
The GulfWatch Alaska Member Node represents data collected as part of a multi-institutional scientific collaboration focused on monitoring the areas of the Gulf of Alaska impacted by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. The node is currently managed via the Alaska Ocean Observing System through a partnership with NCEAS.
#6 Updated by Matthew Jones over 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
#7 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 11 years ago
Per M. Jones 2013-09-25: Gulfwatch now has the SSL certificate and their system has been registered in the production DataONE environment.
#8 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 11 years ago
- Software stack set to Metacat
#9 Updated by Matthew Jones over 11 years ago
- MN Description set to The Gulf of Alaska Data Portal archives environmental observations arising from monitoring and experimentation in the Gulf of Alaska and related regions, and particularly in oil-impacted regions of Prince William Sound and locations on the southern coast of Alaska. Many data sets are time series data spanning multiple decades and continuing through the present. The collection includes data from Gulf Watch Alaska, which is the long-term ecosystem monitoring program of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustee Council, as well as many other projects historically funded by the Trustee Council. In the two decades following the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and after extensive restoration, research and monitoring efforts, it has been recognized that full recovery from the spill will take decades and requires long-term monitoring of both the injured resources and factors other than residual oil that may continue to inhibit recovery or adversely impact resources that have recovered. Monitoring information is valuable for assessing recovery of injured species, managing those resources and the services they provide, and informing the communities who depend on the resources. The Gulf of Alaska Data Portal provides long-term, consistent, scientific data that is critical to allow us to detect and understand ecosystem changes and shifts that directly or indirectly (e.g. through food web relationships) influence the species and ecosystem services of the Gulf of Alaska.
- Subject changed from Gulfwatch Alaska MN to Gulf of Alaska Data Portal
- MN Tier set to Tier 3
- Base URL changed from to
#10 Updated by Matthew Jones over 11 years ago
Status update: The node has been fully deployed and tested on staging, and now has been deployed on production and is technically ready, but is not yet syncing with the CNs. Syncing will be turned on once the MN description document has been fully revised and approved by Gulfwatch PIs. This node should be ready to announce soon.
#11 Updated by Matthew Jones about 11 years ago
- Target version changed from 315 to Deploy by end of Y5Q2
- Due date changed from 2013-10-31 to 2014-01-31
#12 Updated by Matthew Jones about 11 years ago
- Base URL changed from to
- NodeIdentifier changed from urn:node:GULFWATCH to urn:node:GOA
- MN Description changed from The Gulf of Alaska Data Portal archives environmental observations arising from monitoring and experimentation in the Gulf of Alaska and related regions, and particularly in oil-impacted regions of Prince William Sound and locations on the southern coast of Alaska. Many data sets are time series data spanning multiple decades and continuing through the present. The collection includes data from Gulf Watch Alaska, which is the long-term ecosystem monitoring program of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustee Council, as well as many other projects historically funded by the Trustee Council. In the two decades following the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and after extensive restoration, research and monitoring efforts, it has been recognized that full recovery from the spill will take decades and requires long-term monitoring of both the injured resources and factors other than residual oil that may continue to inhibit recovery or adversely impact resources that have recovered. Monitoring information is valuable for assessing recovery of injured species, managing those resources and the services they provide, and informing the communities who depend on the resources. The Gulf of Alaska Data Portal provides long-term, consistent, scientific data that is critical to allow us to detect and understand ecosystem changes and shifts that directly or indirectly (e.g. through food web relationships) influence the species and ecosystem services of the Gulf of Alaska. to The Gulf of Alaska Data Portal archives environmental observations arising from monitoring and experimentation in the Gulf of Alaska and related regions, and particularly in oil-impacted regions of Prince William Sound and locations on the southern coast of Alaska. Many data sets are time series data spanning multiple decades and continuing through the present. The Gulf of Alaska Data Portal provides long-term, consistent, scientific data that is critical to allow us to detect and understand ecosystem changes and shifts that directly or indirectly (e.g. through food web relationships) influence the species and ecosystem services of the Gulf of Alaska.
#13 Updated by Matthew Jones about 11 years ago
- File Gulf_of_Alaska_MN_Description_v02.docx added
Added GoA MN description document.
#14 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 11 years ago
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y5Q2 to Deploy by end of Y5Q3
- Due date changed from 2014-01-31 to 2014-04-30
#15 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 11 years ago
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y5Q3 to Operational
- MN_Date_Online set to 2013-11-15
- Due date changed from 2014-04-30 to 2013-08-29
#16 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Testing to Operational
#17 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Matthew Jones to Laura Moyers
#19 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago
- Base URL changed from to is the data archive.
#20 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago
- Base URL changed from to
See note #19 - no it's not. GoA URL should be:
Per Matt 8/21/15:
For the time being, the AOOS MN only publishes the historical data from the Gulf Watch Alaska project, and the main search portal for that is:
However, the main web presence that AOOS wants to advertise is their Gulf of Alaska Data Portal page, which is here:
#21 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago
(Molly McCammon) node will be transitioning to the Axiom Data Science node in the coming year. But in the meantime, we would like to change the MN Manager to Rob Bochenek,
#22 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 7 years ago
- Sprint set to Ongoing Operational