


Task #3597

MNDeployment #3560: Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBird

The Avian Knolwedge Network (AKN) and Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBird should be distinct Member Nodes

Added by Rebecca Koskela about 12 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Ben Leinfelder
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


AKN is interested in becoming a DataONE Member Node and it is much larger than CLO AKN - Steve Kelling had requested that this MN be called eBird rather than AKN.

The current CLOAKN member node will need to be renamed to 'Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBird' in it's node documents on the Member Node and in the Node registry on the Coordinating Nodes. The identity provided by the client certificate will also need to change, and the old certificate (urn:node:CLOAKN) should be revoked, new certificates should be generated for 1) urn:node:EBIRD (or urn:node:CLOEBIRD depending on preferences), and 2) urn:node:AKN (if this is amenable). The EBIRD certificate will need to be installed on the current Metacat instance. A new member node instance of Metacat needs to be installed to represent the AKN, with the new certificates installed. We also need to revoke any test certs associated with CLOAKN and generate mnTestEBIRD, and mnTestAKN certificates.


Task #3600: Generate a production client certificate for Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBirdClosedDave Vieglais

Task #3601: Generate a production client certificate for the Avian Knowledge NetworkRejectedDave Vieglais

Task #3602: Revoke the CLOAKN certificateClosedDave Vieglais

Task #3603: Create production certificates for CLOEBIRDClosedChris Jones

Task #3604: Update the current CLOAKN member node to be EBIRDClosedRobert Waltz

Task #3605: Install a new Metacat instance for the Avian Knowledge Network (AKN) member nodeNewBen Leinfelder

Task #3990: Update system metadata for eBird content from urn:node:CLOAKN to urn:node:CLOEBIRDClosedRobert Waltz


#1 Updated by Chris Jones about 12 years ago

  • Subject changed from Change name of MN from Cornell Lab of Ornithology AKN to Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBird to The Avian Knolwedge Network (AKN) and Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBird should be distinct Member Nodes
  • Description updated (diff)
  • Assignee changed from Dave Vieglais to Ben Leinfelder

#2 Updated by Laura Moyers about 12 years ago

The MN POCs for AKN are Leo Salas ( and Katie Koch ( (LM)

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