MNDeployment #4700
IARC (International Arctic Research Center) Data Archive
IARC (International Arctic Research Center) Data Archive at University of Alaska Fairbanks is interesting in becoming a MN.
IARC Data Archive (IDA) GeoNetwork Portal's purpose is:
To improve access to and integrated use of Arctic climate-change data and information
To provide long term archival storage of Arctic climate-change data and information
To support decision making
via contact us 4/4/14:
POC: Jim Long, or
Related issues
#1 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Planning
Meeting 4/10/14 Jim Long, Bruce Wilson, Laura Moyers
To avoid overlaps with other data archives, IARC focuses on datasets that don't have a home elsewhere.
IARC currently runs GeoNetwork, would like to have a fully-functional MN, and we can help them take incremental steps to get there, starting with metadata exposure. Until GeoNetwork is an accommodated stack, IARC could have a Generic MN installation. Bruce to provide additional information to Jim. Follow-up by 28 April (Laura).
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones almost 11 years ago
- Due date set to 2014-07-31
- Start date set to 2014-05-15
- Target version set to Deploy by end of Y5Q4
#3 Updated by Bruce Wilson almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from Planning to Ready
#4 Updated by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago
- Due date changed from 2014-07-31 to 2014-10-31
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y5Q4 to Deploy by end of Y1Q1
#5 Updated by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y1Q1 to Deploy by end of NCTE
#6 Updated by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago
- NodeIdentifier set to urn:node:IARC
- MN Tier set to Tier 4
- Software stack set to GMN
#7 Updated by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago
- Software stack changed from GMN to GMN-integrated
#8 Updated by Laura Moyers about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Ready to Testing
#9 Updated by Laura Moyers about 10 years ago
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of NCTE to Deploy by end of Y1Q3
#10 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago
- MN_Date_Online set to 2015-05-08
- Status changed from Testing to Operational
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y1Q3 to Operational
- MN Description set to The International Arctic Research Center (IARC) Data Archive, a long term repository for Arctic data.
Approved in production 5/8/15, formally announced 5/13/15.
#11 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago
- Base URL changed from to is the main website. is the data archive. provides broader information about data products for IARC.
#12 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 9 years ago
- Longitude changed from 147.72 to -147.72
#13 Updated by Laura Moyers over 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from Laura Moyers to Mark Servilla
- MN Description changed from The International Arctic Research Center (IARC) Data Archive, a long term repository for Arctic data. to The International Arctic Research Center (IARC) Data Archive, a long term repository for Arctic data.
#15 Updated by Laura Moyers over 7 years ago
See notes from 5/24/17 mtg: - the actions are:
- IARC to be updated to current release of GMN v2, which will sort out any obsolescence chain oddities; we'll need support from UAF IT (Mark Barkdull ( and Gwendolyn Bryson ( for this.
- Lauren will change the DCX stylesheet to (re)allow use of dc:source to display URI/URL to content (Lauren has finished this, but it has to wait for the next Metacat update to go out); 6/12/17: Metacat 2.8.4 was released this weekend. When Metacat is updated on the CNs, the change Lauren made will be reflected in Next API release is 2.3.5, and we think the Metacat update can go out with the API release.
- There is a very small (maybe a dozen objects) number of NEW objects to be added to the IARC MN (to be done AFTER GMN update to v2.x)
- There is some content replicated to IARC; plan is to turn off receipt of (new) replicas; IARC can remain at Tier 4 to allow any updates of existing replicas to be received
#16 Updated by Monica Ihli over 7 years ago
Email contact sent to & inviting to respond with some times of availability to setup a meeting. The purpose of the meeting would be to discuss upgrading DataONE software and if there is anything we can do to better support them as a member node.
#17 Updated by Monica Ihli over 7 years ago
We have sudo access to the server (dahl). There was evidently a previous failed upgrade and now we are taking charge of a new upgrade attempt. The new upgrade attempt failed. There are unresolved issues in the migration script for upgrading. Roger Dahl is working on this.
#19 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 7 years ago
- Sprint set to Ongoing Operational
#20 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago
email bouncing: Larry Hinzman
1/16: send email to Mark Barkdull & Gwendolyn Bryson
{Gwen Reply }Larry Hinzman is now the Vice Chancellor of Research at UAF, so I believe may be removed from your contact list.
* add Scott Rupp ( as the Principal Investigator or Project Lead. Scott is the Deputy Director of IARC.
#23 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
James Long returning to UAF/IARC this Fall as an adjunct
#24 Updated by Mark Servilla over 6 years ago
- Assignee changed from Mark Servilla to Roger Dahl
#25 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
Amy is the Data Manager and Analyst for two organizations within IARC (SNAP and CASC), but is not the archive manager of IARC data nor this node. Amy was looking into IARC's status as a member node and what it may take to maintain that or improve it over time. If possible, we'd then assess what staffing may be needed and obtain funds to support such an effort and also query researchers as to their thoughts on a path forward.
That said, Amy indicated it would be fine to have her listed as the point of contact, but please don't assume that she's managing all IARC data or this node at this time. We're simply looking into options at this point.
#26 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Roger Dahl to Amy Forrester