


Task #7024

MNDeployment #6674: OTS - Neotropical Data Center

Story #8256: (NTDC) OTS Move to Production

OTS: Document and Announce

Added by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


Legal language (any partnership agreements, MOUs, etc.). Draft news item for public release and coordinate with MN for any announcements they wish to do from their perspective. Announce the new MN on DataONE website, press release, ListServ, Twitter, etc.

draft_OTS press release.v5.3_OTS.docx - OTS approved press release (46.8 KB) Amy Forrester, 2018-03-27 17:24


#1 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to Amy Forrester
  • Parent task changed from #6674 to #8256

#2 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 30

2/9/2018: reach out to Oscar about Press release draft language
* Legal language etc. N/A

2/12/18: finalizing press release draft with OTS

Social Media

#3 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago

2/14/18: Final press release doc uploaded to Google drive and email sent to Amber et al.

Target to go live: 2/19/18
Target to announce: 2/20/2018

#4 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

2/15/18: Final version sent to OTS for approval and data volume

2/19 - issues on OTS-side with PR person

New target to announce: 2/27/18

#5 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

2/23/18: Talk with Oscar about mentioning DataONE/displaying logo on OTS website

2/26 {Oscar}: Added metacat node link to "Information Resources>Databases" top menu bar
* DataONE Logo placed on homepage sidebar:

#6 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

2/27/2018: Final announcement edits need to be approved by OTS CEO

#7 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

3/5/18: follow-up email with Oscar Madrigal Ovares & Casey Therrien

3/6 {reply} CEO traveling to Costa Rica for a very important board meeting - won’t be able to review the press release until they are back from Costa Rica (two weeks).

#8 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

3/19/18: sent check-in email

{reply}Casey Therrien out of office until 3/22

#9 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

3/26/18: email to OTS --> moving ahead with announcing 4/3 to avoid disrupting our MN PR schedule any further.

{reply, Casey Therrien} Sorry for the delay. I am waiting on one more person to confirm the data is correct and I will give the go ahead shortly. Thanks for bearing with us!

#10 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

3/27/18: OTS (via Casey Therrien) approves announcement for April 3, 2018

#11 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 100
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

NEW Social Media LINKS:
@tropicalstudies (twitter & instagram)

Also available in: Atom PDF

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