Task #7686
MNDeployment #6485: The Digital Archaeology Record (tDAR)
tDAR - Enable URL links out to data from search results
Adam Brin would like his search results to show links out to his content from DataONE search results. We can do this with EML (see "Online Distribution Info"), so we'd need to develop a stylesheet for DCX (tDAR's metadata) such that search results display the desired link to tDAR content. See attached for a mock-up.
Here are some tDAR DCX identifiers:
Note they're behind a firewall.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais almost 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Dave Vieglais to Ben Leinfelder
Reassigning to Ben.
#2 Updated by Dave Vieglais almost 9 years ago
- File onedcx.xsl added
- File serve.py
- File test2.xml
- File test1.xml
Attaching initial draft and two example source files.
Rendering was tested using python script executing xsltproc, also attached.
#3 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 9 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Which field in the DCX document contains the desired link?
as possible hrefs, but neither seem particularly well-defined as "External data link" fields.
#4 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 9 years ago
I've added an initial version of the DCX xslt to Metacat. I want to mention that the normal way people link to other data is by using OREs and the UI would render this like all other packages that contain data. Maybe this is a special case where we have decided it is okay to link out to externally-housed data? News to me!
#5 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 9 years ago
Please take a look at current version of the DCX view here:
#6 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 9 years ago
I've added handling for temporal periods as well as single datetimes.
I've also added the recent changes to the Metacat 2.7 branch for upcoming release.
#7 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Testing
- % Done changed from 30 to 50
Added an example version with temporal date range: https://search-sandbox-2.test.dataone.org/#view/tdar.1.3