


MNDeployment #6401


Added by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


MN Description:
The EPSCoR data collection provides access to the full range of NM EPSCoR program research data products. These data include remote sensing, GIS, and other geospatial data products; experimental data including tabular data; maps and photos; model/simulation data; human subject survey data; analytic and visualization tools; point-time-series environmental observation data; scanned historic documents; and learning modules.
Base URL:
MN Tier:
Tier 4
Software stack:
Logo URL:
Date Upcoming:
Date Deprecated:
Information URL:


This is the "new" MN, replacing EDAC (tier 1), with a tier 4 MN.

POC Hays Barrett


Task #6991: NMEPSCoR: Show MN as "upcoming" on the dashboardClosedLaura Moyers

Task #6992: NMEPSCoR: Establish DataONE user identity in ProductionClosedMark Servilla

Task #6993: NMEPSCoR: Configure SSL Certificates for ProductionClosedMark Servilla

Task #6994: NMEPSCoR: Verify MN Content and Services in ProductionClosed

Task #6995: NMEPSCoR: Register MN in ProductionClosed

Task #6996: NMEPSCoR: Verify CN Content and Services in ProductionClosed

Task #6997: NMEPSCoR: Check Authentication and Authorization in ProductionClosed

Task #6998: NMEPSCoR: Mutual acceptanceClosed

Task #6999: NMEPSCoR: Ensure MN appears on Current MNs webpage (dashboard)Closed

Task #7000: NMEPSCoR: Document and AnnounceClosedLaura Moyers

Task #8257: update urn:node:NMEPSCOR from GMN v1.2.10 to v2.4.1ClosedRoger Dahl

Related issues

Related to Member Nodes - MNDeployment #3221: EDAC member node Operational 2012-09-05 2013-08-01
Related to Infrastructure - Task #6394: Resolve SSL certificate connection errors for UNM Epscor Tier 4 MN in development New 2014-09-18


#1 Updated by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready
  • NodeIdentifier set to urn:node:NMEPSCOR

#2 Updated by Laura Moyers about 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y1Q2 to Deploy by end of Y1Q3

#3 Updated by Mark Servilla about 10 years ago

I spoke with Hays Barrett in person on Thursday 22 January to better understand the state of their MN in CN-SANDBOX.

Their MN is a GMN instance that initially had SSL certificate problems - these were mitigated in early Fall 2014 by Chris Jones and the mnTestNMEPSCOR MN was subsequently registered and approved in CN-SANDBOX on 13 November 2014. We had no further contact with Hays Barrett until 13 January 2015 when Hays requested assistance with the mnTestNMEPSCOR MN due to errant software processes related to processing the replication queue and additional SSL errors - both errors occurred after Hays Barrett realized a mis-configuration in the GMN, which caused the mnTestNMEPSCOR MN to remain in standalone mode. Changing the GMN to operate in network mode resulted in the numerous "process_replication_queue" processes to occur that eventually result in system failure (the SSL errors were attributed to a network failure of CN-SANDBOX accepting HTTPS connections).

The mnTestNMEPSCOR MN is also configured to run at Tier 4 with replication enabled. It appears that content has been replicated to the mnTestNMEPSCOR MN from another MN (possibly KNB); replication occurred even though synchronization failed to occur to CN-SANDBOX for mnTestNMEPSCOR. I recommended to Hays that it would perhaps be more efficient to ensure the mnTestNMEPSCOR MN operated correctly at Tier 3 prior to moving onto Tier 4; Hays agreed and decided to investigate redeploying a clean instance of GMN to test at Tier 3.

Today (23 January), only replicated content resides within the mnTestNMEPSCOR MN - all local content had been purged.

#4 Updated by Laura Moyers about 10 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50
  • Assignee changed from Chris Jones to Mark Servilla
  • Status changed from Ready to Testing

#5 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago

  • Base URL set to
  • MN Description set to The EPSCoR data collection provides access to the full range of NM EPSCoR program research data products. These data include remote sensing, GIS, and other geospatial data products; experimental data including tabular data; maps and photos; model/simulation data; human subject survey data; analytic and visualization tools; point-time-series environmental observation data; scanned historic documents; and learning modules.
  • Software stack set to GMN

Confirm that URL.

#6 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago

  • MN_Date_Online set to 2015-05-27

#7 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago

  • Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y1Q3 to Operational
  • Status changed from Testing to Operational

Announced 5/27/15

#8 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago

  • Base URL changed from to

#9 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 9 years ago

  • Longitude changed from 106.61 to -106.61

#11 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 7 years ago

  • Sprint set to Ongoing Operational

#12 Updated by Mark Servilla about 7 years ago

I've sent an email to Hays Barrett regarding the need to update urn:node:NMEPSCOR from GMN v1.2.10 to v2.4.1:

Hi Hays,

I notice that your version of GMN for urn:node:NMESPCOR is overdue for an upgrade (current GMN version is 2.4.1). Would you be available this week or next to discuss strategies for performing an upgrade? Friday afternoon 2 February would work for me or sometime the week of 5 February?


Continue with Task #8257

#13 Updated by Monica Ihli about 7 years ago

  • Subject changed from NM EPSCoR to NM EPSCoR

#14 Updated by Mark Servilla over 6 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Mark Servilla to Roger Dahl

#15 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago

Update from Karl Benedict on State of NMEPSCoR:

From my discussion with Shirley Baros last year the current plan has been for EDAC to continue hosting the EPSCoR (and EDAC) member nodes, though (unless they have changed things over the past 4 ½ years since I left EDAC) the EDAC node is probably still based on our implementation of the original DataONE API on top of our home-grown data platform.

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