Task #8257
MNDeployment #6401: NM EPSCoR
update urn:node:NMEPSCOR from GMN v1.2.10 to v2.4.1
1/29/18: Mark email Hays Barrett to set up call
#1 Updated by Mark Servilla about 7 years ago
Mark Servilla met in person with Hays Barrett and discussed strategy for migrating from GMN v1.2.10 to v2.4.1/2. Hays understood strategy using GMN import process. Hays will discuss necessity of GMN version migration with supervisor (Hays noted that his operation unit will only be managing this MN for another few months; he did not indicate its disposition after this point). Hays will contact Mark Servilla this week with decision about migration.
#2 Updated by Mark Servilla almost 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Discussed disposition of urn:node:NMEPSCOR with Karl Benedict of UNM Libraries on 7 March 2018. Nothing definitive came from the discussion, but Karl will discuss maintaining the member node with current director of EDAC (where it is currently hosted) and think about how the member node can be permanently moved to a new hosting location. Karl believes that the state of the NM EPSCOR program is still undecided, but that the current member node should move from EDAC management; this will likely mean that no new content will be added at present.
Note that the NMEPSCOR member node is both a replication target and replicates content in DatatONE.
4/2/18: Rebecca will address at the end of May
#3 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
8/1/2018: send email to Hays and Anne about upgrading GMN to 3.0.4
#4 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Assignee changed from Mark Servilla to Roger Dahl
#5 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
9/4/18: sent follow-up email re: GMN upgrade
#6 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago
2/14/19: sent upgrade email to Hays and Anne and forwarded to Karl Benedict for some info on the state of the MN
From Hays:
The best time for us would probably be early next week. We will create an account, and be in touch soon.
#7 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago
2/26/19- hays set up account for roger
#8 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 30 to 100
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- Upgraded From GMN 1.x to current
- Upgraded from GMN 14.04 (400+ pending updates) to 18.04
- Investigated issue with their adapter. It did not check HTTP status codes and it may have pushed a handful of “404 Not Found” HTML docs to production over the last year, but I couldn’t find them.
- Discovered because they were caught by the GMN 3 SciMeta validation
- Hayes updated the adapter and I verified that the objects that were rejected due to being invalid were successfully pushed through.
- Left a Python 2 venv with older DataONE libraries in place for the adapter.