MNDeployment #7865
Hydroshare (CUAHSI)
CUAHSI - the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science
Dave and Jeff Horsburgh, are in contact.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 8 years ago
Message sent to Jeff et al 2016-08-01:
There’s a couple aspects of the current DataONE infrastructure that CUAHSI could leverage to facilitate participation with DataONE.
Mutability is kind of supported through the use of Series Identifiers, which are simply persistent identifiers that always refer to the most current version of a series of data set revisions. Specific versions of a dataset are still immutable however. The main benefit of SIDs is that one can make a reference to the most recent version of a dataset rather than just a specific version.
Service Registration may be more applicable to the CUAHSI model. Service Registration is basically the description of a service by a metadata document. That metadata includes reference to the type and location of services offered by a Member Node (the service may or may not be co-located with the Member Node).
The basic concept is that if you were offering a service like a WFS or SOS, or perhaps hydroshare, that service is described by a metadata document (we are using ISO19119 semantics), and then discovered much like other data through the search interface.
The disadvantage of service registration is that only the metadata is preserved by DataONE - the service and content accessible through that are managed entirely by the service provider.
That said, the features of hydroshare that you mention seem like a good fit with the version 2 capabilities of DataONE and should make setting up a Member Node service much more tractable. It would be good to schedule a time for discussion in the not too distant future to identify a plan for moving forward.
#2 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago
ePad Notes Consolidation
Dave and Jeff Horsburgh corresponding
10/9/17 - Dave will contact Jeff again
10/16/2017 - still waiting for a message back from Jeff
#3 Updated by Matthew Jones over 5 years ago
Matt J spoke with Jeff Horsburgh ( at a data repositories workshop in Spring 2019, and then with Martin Seul ( at the 2019 summer ESIP. They both expressed interest in having CUASHI join DataONE using their HydroShare collection, which is found at Each entry in HydroShare is assigned a resource identifier, and is associated with a DOI, and has a entry in their landing page. They maintain a sitemap at /sitemap.xml
. Here's an example SO entry from one of their landing pages:
{ "@context": { "@vocab": "", "geolink": "" }, "@type": "Dataset", "additionalType": ["", ""], "name": "R script to obtain continuous daily estimates of whole-stream metabolism", "description": "Generating daily estimates of WSM. We show the procedure to generate daily estimates of one station whole\u002Dstream metabolism using water, reach and weather data for the period of interest. Read the \u0022Supplemental_Text_S4.pdf\u0022 for detailed description of the Daily.Metabolism.R script.\u000D\u000A\u000D\u000ADOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.3422272\u000D\u000A\u000D\u000ANote: the \u0022AAAA\u002DMM_inputs.csv\u0022 files are the monthly dates files used for the estimation of WSM for the period of August 2010 through December 2014. To run the Daily.Metabolism.R script only one of these files is required.\u000D\u000A", "url": "", "version": "2017-06-04", "isAccessibleForFree": true, "keywords": "[\u0022Whole\u002Dstream metabolism\u0022, \u0022Time series\u0022, \u0022River ecohydrology\u0022]", "license": "", "citation": "Villamizar, S., H. Pai (2016). R script to obtain continuous daily estimates of whole-stream metabolism, HydroShare,", "includedInDataCatalog": { "@id": "" }, "distribution": { "@type": "DataDownload", "contentUrl": "", "encodingFormat": "application/zip" }, "spatialCoverage": { "@type": "Place", "geo": { "@type": "GeoShape", "box": ", , " } }, "creator": [ { "@id": "/user/418/", "@type": "Role", "additionalType": "", "roleName": "Author", "url": "/user/418/", "creator": { "@id": "/user/418/", "@type": "Person", "additionalType": "", "name": "Sandra Villamizar", "url": "/user/418//" } } , { "@id": "", "@type": "Role", "additionalType": "", "roleName": "Author", "url": "", "creator": { "@id": "", "@type": "Person", "additionalType": "", "name": "Henry Pai", "url": "/" } } ], "provider": { "@id": "", "@type": "Organization", "additionalType": "", "legalName": "HydroShare", "name": "HydroShare", "url": "" }, "publisher": { "@id": "" } }
Issues I immediately noticed that we may want to ask about:
- access to the landing page seemed to require a login
- the SO entry is missing the DOI identifier
- the SO entry does not map between their resource ID and their DOI to indicate they are the same resource
- people are identified with local user identifiers (
) rather than e.g. ORCIDs - the SO entry appears to not link to more detailed ISO or other metadata
#4 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Review
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
#5 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
Call scheduled for 8/1/19 during HydroShare all hands meeting
Meeting notes: CUAHSI Discovery Worksheet
#6 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Subject changed from CUAHSI - Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science to Hydroshare (Cuahsi)
- Assignee changed from Laura Moyers to Amy Forrester
#7 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Hydroshare (Cuahsi) to Hydroshare (CUAHSI)
#8 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
#9 Updated by John Evans over 5 years ago
- File resourcemetadata.xml
Some issues with CUAHSI thusfar:
The metadata documents have some custom elements (namespace "hsterms") that is specific to hydroshare. Would this then require a custom format ID?
The metadata validation actually errors even before that, though, complaining about the rdf namespace
Element '{}RDF': No matching global declaration available for the validation root.
Also, as noted above, the DOI isn't where we expect to find it, i.e. not in the @id field.
#10 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
- Status changed from In Review to Planning
- Assignee changed from Amy Forrester to John Evans
- % Done changed from 80 to 10
#11 Updated by John Evans over 5 years ago
If we run the site checker on the Hydroshare/CUAHSI top-level sitemap, we see the following
$ d1-check-site 2019-09-03 14:54:45,184 - datatone - INFO - Requesting sitemap document from 2019-09-03 14:54:49,444 - datatone - INFO - Requesting sitemap document from 2019-09-03 14:54:49,570 - datatone - INFO - Extracted 3 from the sitemap document. 2019-09-03 14:54:49,570 - datatone - INFO - 0 records skipped due to lastmod time. 2019-09-03 14:54:49,570 - datatone - INFO - Looking to process 3 records... 2019-09-03 14:54:49,571 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:54:49,752 - datatone - WARNING - Skipping due to "SkipError('Could not locate a JSON-LD <SCRIPT> element with @type "Dataset".')". 2019-09-03 14:54:49,752 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:54:49,940 - datatone - WARNING - Skipping due to "SkipError('No JSON-LD <SCRIPT> elements were located.')". 2019-09-03 14:54:49,940 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:54:50,594 - datatone - WARNING - Skipping due to "SkipError('No JSON-LD <SCRIPT> elements were located.')". 2019-09-03 14:54:50,595 - datatone - INFO - Requesting sitemap document from 2019-09-03 14:54:56,606 - datatone - INFO - Extracted 7827 from the sitemap document. 2019-09-03 14:54:56,608 - datatone - INFO - 0 records skipped due to lastmod time. 2019-09-03 14:54:56,609 - datatone - INFO - Looking to process 7827 records... 2019-09-03 14:54:56,616 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:54:57,890 - datatone - ERROR - Unable to process due to "RuntimeError('JSON-LD missing top-level "@id" key.')". 2019-09-03 14:54:57,890 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:54:59,217 - datatone - ERROR - Unable to process due to "RuntimeError('JSON-LD missing top-level "@id" key.')". 2019-09-03 14:54:59,218 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:54:59,461 - datatone - WARNING - Skipping due to "SkipError('No JSON-LD <SCRIPT> elements were located.')". 2019-09-03 14:54:59,461 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:54:59,703 - datatone - WARNING - Skipping due to "SkipError('No JSON-LD <SCRIPT> elements were located.')". 2019-09-03 14:54:59,703 - datatone - INFO - Requesting 2019-09-03 14:55:01,028 - datatone - ERROR - Unable to process due to "RuntimeError('JSON-LD missing top-level "@id" key.')". 2019-09-03 14:55:01,028 - datatone - WARNING - Error threshold reached. 2019-09-03 14:55:01,029 - datatone - INFO - Shutting down... 2019-09-03 14:55:01,029 - datatone - INFO - Cancelling 1 outstanding tasks. 2019-09-03 14:55:01,029 - datatone - ERROR - CancelledError() 2019-09-03 14:55:01,029 - datatone - INFO - Successfully processed 0 records.
What's going on is that Hydroshare has nested sitemaps. The top-level sitemap points to two nested documents:
- "/sitemap-pages.xml" - This sitemap terminates with 3 landing pages, in none of which are we are interested. They actually cause errors because none of the 3 landing pages have an SO element. Maybe we should just skip such landing pages without counting it as an error?
- "/sitemap-resources.xml" - This is the sitemap for what we want. In fact, we could just specify this URL directly to avoid the spurious landing pages.
When we finally start hitting the landing pages with SO elements, we error out immediately due to the lack of an @id element at the top level, in which we expect to find a DOI that looks like a URI. For datasets that are PUBLISHED (this is specified in the landing page HTML), there is an top-level "identifier" key that does have the DOI. Here's an example of the SO in such a case:
"identifier": { "@type": "PropertyValue", "additionalType": ["", ""], "propertyID": "", "url": "", "value": "10.4211/hs.1396774b293144689a66080739da8f44" },
So instead of '@id', they seem to use "identifier".
Even if the @id were present, the validation would fail upon going further because there is no top-level 'encoding' map, and therefore no 'contentUrl', 'description', 'dateModified', or 'encodingFormat', because they are expected inside the encoding map.
Hydroshare does provide a 'distribution' map with a 'contentUrl' key. However, this just points to the landing page, which we already have. The metadata document is not directly referenced; we have to construct a URL for the zipped baggit archive
There is a top-level "version" key that basically reflects the same idea as 'lastModified'. The hydroshare sitemaps do not include "lastModified" elements.
There is a top-level "description" key that serves the same purpose as the one we expect in the 'encoding' map.
#12 Updated by John Evans over 5 years ago
Since Hydroshare has the metadata document in the baggit zip archive, whose URL we have to construct, it seems that Hydroshare can't really meet our recommendations for SO. But all the pieces are there (just not where we expect them).
#13 Updated by John Evans over 5 years ago
I've constructed an XSL stylesheet that transforms the hydroshare metadata documents into something that validates against
Using a slendernodes setup, I can successfully harvest about 175 out of about 235 PUBLISHED documents from their sitemap setup when the stylesheet is employed. For those 60 failures, they are mostly a mixture of I/O errors in the asyncio/aiohttp layers that maybe can be addressed through different timeout or chunking setups. Unsure about that. They sometimes resolve upon retries.
There are at least two cases where the landing page issues a pop-up dialogue asking the user to say yes to a wikipedia-style license agreement, and at least one case of a bad zip file on hydroshare's end.