


Task #7002

MNDeployment #6674: OTS - Neotropical Data Center

OTS: MN Communications

Added by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


Establish POCs; join DUG; create MN description document, obtain MN logo; attach MNDD/logo here when complete; store PDF in LINK TO

Member_Node_Description_Form_OTS- 2017-02-10.docx (304 KB) Amy Forrester, 2018-01-25 17:24

OTS.png (18.6 KB) Amy Forrester, 2018-01-30 21:50



#1 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 30
  • Assignee set to Amy Forrester
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Subject changed from OTS: Join DataONE to OTS: MN Communications

#3 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago

LOGO in GitHub: member-node-info/production/graphics/OTS.png

#4 Updated by Mark Servilla about 7 years ago

Oscar Madrigal Ovares has reached out to Jing and myself (Mark Servilla) requesting support for testing and connecting their MN (urn:node:OTS) to DataONE. OTS should still go through a testing phase within the DataONE staging environment, albeit they are using Metacat as their MN software; testing will hopefully expose whether their system is correctly configured and if their corpus of data are documented/displayed as expected. The state of their current attempt will be evaluated by Jing and Mark at a 9am PST/10am MST call:

#5 Updated by Mark Servilla about 7 years ago

See response back to Oscar Ovares:

Hi Oscar,

Jing and I have reviewed the existing OTS Metacat (urn:node:mnTestOTS) for registration into the DataONE test environment and everything looks good at this point - congratulations!. Here is a brief list of what needs to happen next:

  1. You will need to register a user in the DataONE test staging environment at by selecting either the "SignIn" or "SignUp" links on the upper righthand corner of the web page; these will allow to use either Google, an InCommon university or ORCID. This user, once registered and approved, will be used as the contact subject in your member node registration. I see that your node contact subject is currently set to "CN=Oscar Madrigal A55451,O=ProtectNetwork,C=US,DC=cilogon,DC=org" - this specific user is already registered and approved in the DataONE test staging environment, so we are good there.
  2. You will need to register your urn:node:mnTestOTS member node in the DataONE test staging environment. You will do this through the Metacat administration web pages of your member node by selecting "Register" at the bottom of the DataONE Configuration web page. You will need a DataONE test x509 certificate for this purpose. The current test certificate for urn:node:mnTestOTS will expire in April, so I have created a new certificate that is available on - you will need to register another user at the following address: Do this by selecting "Create a new account" followed by filling out the form information and selecting "NCEAS/DataONE/Kepler" as the organization (I believe the previous Oscar performed this task; you should have a new account if he is no longer associated with your project). Please provide me with the account name only so that I may place the certificate in this location (I will send you more detailed information once the account is created).
  3. With the new certificate in place, you may register your member node in the DatatONE test staging environment. Advise me when you have completed registration of your member node so that I may perform the approval step.

Please let us know if you have any further questions or issues with this process.


#6 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago


#7 Updated by Amy Forrester about 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 100
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF

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