MNDeployment #8035
IEDA_EarthChem Library (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance)
We're in discussions with Kerstin Lehnert and others at IEDA about the possibilities for collaboration with DataONE.
Initial meeting 3/3/17 with follow-up scheduled for 15 March at 9aMT,
IEDA's website:
Data collections:
Kerstin's particular areas of interest to explore in these initial meetings, from email 12 Feb:
- What data in the IEDA data holdings is of interest to DataONE? What is the best way IEDA could connect its data holdings and metadata catalog to the DataONE federation, specifically considering the IEDA operates as an alliance of disciplinary data systems? Should IEDA connect its overarching metadata catalog or rather the disciplinary systems such as the Marine Geoscience Data System, EarthChem, Geochron, and the USAP-DC? What is most useful for the science community?
How can we align or integrate developments of Data Management Plan tools? As I told you, IEDA developed a structured DMP Tool back in 2011 that is now funded by NSF-ACI to broaden its applicability across the NSF directorates.
Is DataONE interested in participating in our efforts to provide tools for the registration and management of physical samples in the environmental sciences? (This is particularly urgent as I am working on an EarthCube proposal that builds on the outcomes of the iSamples RCN).
Related issues
#1 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Planning
- Software stack set to Slender Node (GMN)
- NodeIdentifier set to urn:node:IEDA
- Longitude set to -73.91
- Latitude set to 41.01
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- Target version set to Deploy by end of Y3Q4
Meeting 15 March 2017 (
It was determined that we wish to proceed with a Slender Node / GMN implementation where the IEDA integrated metadata catalog is the source of content.
It is very important that the identification/branding of IEDA's member repositories be maintained and communicated. DataONE at present has a strong focus on the MN level, so we need to investigate options for identifying and displaying the name and/or logo of the member repository which is the source of a given data package.
#2 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 8 years ago
- Related to Task #8047: Investigate how to maintain identity/"branding" of a sub-repository's content on a DataONE MN added
#3 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 8 years ago
- MN Tier set to Tier 1
#4 Updated by Laura Moyers over 7 years ago
- Base URL set to
#5 Updated by Laura Moyers over 7 years ago
Meeting 3 May 2017, see epad
Branding question: we will investigate the options available for including the origin/source repository's information in the science metadata of a given object, then modifying the search UI such that this value is displayed in search results. Laura to coordinate further evaluation (see related issue
Next steps:
Set up a GMN at IEDA
Develop an adapter to collect CSW endpoints
May need to consider configuration of the basic IEDA system ?? Maybe not.
Consider SID/PID relationship to IEDA identifiers
MNDD - see legal rights for redistribution of the individual data partners' data
Kerstin/Steve to communicate schedule to DataONE
Next meeting TBD
#8 Updated by Laura Moyers over 7 years ago
- Target version changed from Deploy by end of Y3Q4 to Deploy by end of Y4Q2
#9 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago
epad Notes Consolidation
12/18/2017 - Mark will meet with Steve Richard Tuesday 19 December {just within DataONE - Steve is leaving IEDA but don't know the date (RK)}
#10 Updated by Monica Ihli almost 7 years ago
Steve has GMN software installed but is working through some certificate issues that are a barrier to getting apache to start. He is trying to use a self-signed SSL certificate but has no FQDN which may be the source of the issue. I've provided one for him to test with.
#11 Updated by Mark Servilla almost 7 years ago
For background sake, IEDA (Steve) is testing deployment with GMN v2.4.1 on CentOS in AWS EC2.
#12 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago
Call scheduled for 1/24 [Monica, Amy, Steve]
{Steve Richard} Asking about using GMN as a proxy to back-end repositories--want to expose our metadata catalog with remote URL’s for the data access, i.e. the GMN is just a ‘wrapper’ on our existing catalog This is an (ESRI) geoportal, implements a CSW interface, but unfortunately the v2.5 I’m using only seems to expose DublinCore metadata. Our content is based on DataCiteXML (transformed to ISO19139 when harvested to the catalog). I guess I’m not quite clear on what the GMN actual does—does it maintain a metadata register and search capability, or is it just a metadata register that gets harvested to a coordinating node where the search is implemented. Does the GMN also host a repository? We don’t need that, we already have repositories, just want the metadata to show up in DataOne search.
{Mark reply} need to provide some information to GMN: specifically, system metadata, which describes physical attributes of your metadata.
Notes continue in Task #8251
#13 Updated by Monica Ihli almost 7 years ago
- Related to Story #8371: Develop Ability to Host Multiple Nodes from a Single Installation of GMN Web App added
#14 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 7 years ago
- Base URL deleted ( - Information URL set to
#15 Updated by Monica Ihli almost 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from Mark Servilla to Monica Ihli
#16 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- File MN description-IEDA.pdf added
#17 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- NodeIdentifier changed from urn:node:IEDA to urn:node:IEDA_EARTHCHEM
- MN Description set to IEDA is an alliance of science community focused repository systems.
#18 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Logo URL set to
- File IEDA.png added
#19 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Planning to Testing
- % Done changed from 10 to 50
#20 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- File deleted (
#22 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Date Upcoming set to 2018-07-11
#23 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
Neville Shane ( replacing Steve as Technical lead on MN project
-added to MNForum group 8/3
IEDA tech team also includes: Megan Carter (; Viki(
#24 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- MN Description changed from IEDA is an alliance of science community focused repository systems. to The EarthChem Library (ECL) is a US-NSF funded domain data repository that provides preservation, publication, and access services for datasets and other digital objects from geochemical, geochronological, petrological, mineralogical, and other related research.
- Name set to IEDA: EarthChem Library
Information updated by Suzanne M. Carbotte 9/21
#25 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Subject changed from IEDA - Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance to IEDA_EarthChem Library (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance)
#26 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Assignee changed from Monica Ihli to Dave Vieglais
#28 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Logo URL changed from to
#29 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Copied to MNDeployment #8704: IEDA_Marine-Geo Digital Library (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance) added
#30 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
- Base URL set to
- Information URL changed from to
#31 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago
- Copied to MNDeployment #8721: IEDA_US Antarctic Program Data Center (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance) added
#32 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago
upgraded GMN 3.2
#33 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Testing to Operational
- MN_Date_Online set to 2019-03-05