Task #8047
Investigate how to maintain identity/"branding" of a sub-repository's content on a DataONE MN
IEDA manages the content of several repositories. The IEDA MN will make this content discoverable via DataONE, but it is highly desirable that the source, or "owner" repository be identified and that "branding" be visible and maintained, rather than the IEDA MN branding. For example, content from the Marine Geoscience source repository should be identified by text and/or logo in DataONE search results and other public-facing information, not IEDA, or at least in addition to IEDA.
Other current and prospective DataONE MNs contain/manage content from other partner repositories (i.e. LTER, ADC, KNB, RW, CyVerse), and they may wish to enable this branding as well.
We need to look at technical possibilities to implement this branding concept, and we need input from those repositories/MNs who are similarly structured.
Related issues
#1 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 8 years ago
- Related to MNDeployment #8035: IEDA_EarthChem Library (Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance) added
#2 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 8 years ago
We had talked internally about the question of "branding" in DataONE. Currently DataONE communicates only the MN "brand" in search results, etc. We could accommodate a source/originating repository in science metadata.
Discussion at a meeting with IEDA 5/3/17 took this further, to include in the science metadata of an object the original source (repository) of the data, either by text, website, or logo, and modify the search UI to display that value as a sub-brand of the MN.
IEDA is using ISO 19115 metadata. There are other MNs who serve content from multiple sources who might be interested in this functionality if it were available (LTER? EDI?).
#3 Updated by Laura Moyers over 7 years ago
Current status: awaiting free cycles for Lauren and Dave to evaluate how metadata (ISO 19115 in this case) could be used to identify and display sub-branding. We hope to identify and mock-up a solution to share with IEDA.
#4 Updated by Monica Ihli about 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Closed
Closing this ticket as the investigative process has been completed. The solution that will be developed will be the ability to host multiple nodes from a single installation of the GMN web app. Since branding is tied to node identity, this approach confines code changes to the MN software only without touching other parts of the overall system. See ticket #8371 for details.