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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
3980Member NodesTaskNewNormalMissing contentChris Jones2013-09-25 21:48
5121Member NodesTaskNewNormalFix DryadDataFile instance documents with no dcterms:creator elementChris Jones2014-04-30 19:25
5122Member NodesTaskNewNormalVerify/update information in TFRI's node registrationChris Jones2014-04-18 16:51
8697Member NodesTaskNewNormalESSDIVE: anonymous download issueChris Jones2018-09-13 19:40
7498Search UITaskIn ProgressNormalSearch UI deployments need to be automatedChris Jones2015-11-21 00:36MetacatUI
8749CN RESTStoryNewNormalFix log aggregation events from the CN without associated CN IPsDave Vieglais2019-05-01 22:25
7096CN RESTTaskNewNormalUnexpectedly closed streams / disconnects on UNM networkDave Vieglais2015-05-12 17:49
8771CN RESTStoryNewNormalIssue with LDAP when updating `nodeReplicationPolicy`Dave Vieglais2019-03-05 19:43d1_cn_rest
7918CN RESTBugNewNormalSEAD object only partially synchronized - missing autogen.2016092916012224122 document from /var/metacat/documentsDave Vieglais2016-10-21 18:00cn_metacat
1443DataONE APITaskNewNormalIdentify operational requirements for monitoring and loggingDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:06
1442DataONE APITaskNewNormalIdentify monitoring and logging use cases and requirementsDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:06
7838DataONE APITaskNewNormalModify the obsolescence chain process to accommodate the use case where both old and new PIDs are present on the CN for v1 MNsDave Vieglais2016-06-29 02:20
8583DataONE APIFeatureNewNormalProvide some mechanism for diagnosing correctness of MN certificatesDave Vieglais2018-05-02 03:18
6759DataONE APIStoryNewNormalObjectFormat ManagementDave Vieglais2015-01-19 23:17
7839DataONE APITaskNewNormalOnline documentation places synchronize in CNRead apiDave Vieglais2016-12-21 09:04api_documentation
7127DataONE APITaskNewNormalFinalize CNAuthentication interfaceDave Vieglais2015-05-21 19:31api_documentation
8195InfrastructureBugIn ProgressHighTomcat out of memory errorDave Vieglais2017-12-26 20:01
7882InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalTune CN logfile managementDave Vieglais2018-01-17 19:03
7859InfrastructureStoryNewNormalAdd formatID for the STL 3d model file formatDave Vieglais2018-01-17 19:04
7850InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPassing SID to MNRead.systemMetadataChanged()Dave Vieglais2016-07-20 20:00
8235InfrastructureTaskNewNormalArrange with KU library to make use of ORCID membership to support DataONE authenticationDave Vieglais2018-01-09 02:01
8236InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAcquire ORCID API key under KU membershipDave Vieglais2018-01-09 02:21
1762InfrastructureTaskNewNormalSketch CN components and associationsDave Vieglais2014-10-02 17:40
2593InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPrepare science data and metadata content for the workshopDave Vieglais2012-04-09 22:52
4723InfrastructureTaskNewNormalMN recognition of CNDave Vieglais2014-10-02 17:21
(126-150/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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