Story #8771
Issue with LDAP when updating `nodeReplicationPolicy`
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When a submitting a Node doc update which includes a nodeReplicationPolicy, this section is good:
<nodeReplicationPolicy> <maxObjectSize>21474836480</maxObjectSize> <spaceAllocated>1099511627776</spaceAllocated> </nodeReplicationPolicy>
while the same section without maxObjectSize
returns error:
<error detailCode="4822" errorCode="500" name="ServiceFailure"> <description>updateNodeCapabilities failed due to LDAP communication failure:: InvalidAttributeValueException:[LDAP: error code 21 - d1ReplicationPolicyMaxObjectSize: value #0 invalid per syntax]:[LDAP: error code 21 - d1ReplicationPolicyMaxObjectSize: value #0 invalid per syntax]</description> </error>
The schema allows leaving maxObjectSize
out, which means that the MN accepts replicas of unlimited size.
Both GMN and Metacat leave maxObjectSize
out if the setting is configured to unlimited with -1
I think it used to work.
#1 Updated by Roger Dahl about 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)