Task #7498
Search UI deployments need to be automated
We need to be able to install the Search UI code with minimal to no manual intervention. Create a debian package for the Search UI based on the cn-buildout project. Integrate this into the Jenkins build system so the debian package can be installed from the unstable, beta, and stable channels.
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones over 9 years ago
Great to have this, but note that for now the search app is deployed on different hosts than the rest of the CN. So this automation process needs to 1) not install search on or depend on the CN host config per se, 2) be installable on hosts of our choice, currently search-*.dataone.org.
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones over 9 years ago
Also, new versions of the search app should be buildable, releasable, and installable without a concurrent CN stack release. We anticipate potentially frequent search app releases, so overhead should be low.