


Story #2720


Added by Ben Leinfelder almost 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Ben Leinfelder
Support Operations
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


Here's the current plan of attack for upgrading all our MNs for the production release:
0. Stop traditional Metacat replication among MNs that will participate.
1a. Update existing access rules to only use 'allowFirst' - see sql script in Metacat project. This is a manual process and requires the admin to evaluate existing access blocks that might be using deny rules for some specific purpose. Analysis on the KNB shows that there are no meaningful rules used on that particular Metacat instance.
1b. Configure DOI prefixes for KNB, LTER, PISCO where appropriate. KNB will have entries for all three, LTER will have an entry for itself and for the KNB. PISCO need only have a DOI prefix for itself. (TBD: LTER needs to know about PISCO even though it has no direct replication relationship)
1c. This will generate DOIs for appropriate records (applies to KNB, LTER, and PISCO)
2. Upgrade Metacat 1.9.5 to 2.0.0 using the admin screens on each MN
2a. Generate SM for objects that originated on that MN (localhost/serverid=1 on the replication admin panel)
2b. Ensure replication policy for generated SM does not allow replication (numer_replicas = 0 is the default in
3. Register the MNs with the CN. Only D1 synchronization will be running, not DataONE replication
3a. Wait for synchronization to complete for additional MNs that come on line (could be weeks)
4. When former replication partner MNs come online with their original content synched to the CNs we can set replication policies to allow replication for those objects (now that the known replicas are registered correctly with the CNs).
5. Generate SystemMetadata for objects that did not originate on the source MN (e.g., KNB can then generate SM for records that it houses from PISCO)
6. Audit task will eventually make sure MN SystemMetadata for replicas is updated to match the SM housed on the CN (with correct authoritatve MN information)

Please note that with this plan, MN system metadata will become stale when we set replication policy on the CN. We can call MN.systemMetadataChanged() for all ids when we are sure replication has processed all the objects.


Task #2721: Generate SystemMetadata only for original objects [initially]ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2722: LTER - set up MN for stagingClosedMark Servilla

Task #2723: Generate test certificate for urn:node:mnStageLTERClosedMatthew Jones

Task #2858: DOI conversion procedureClosedMark Servilla

Task #2724: PISCO - set up stage serverClosedMichael Frenock

Task #2741: Generate urn:node:mnStagePISCO certificateClosedMatthew Jones

Task #2773: Generate certificate/keyClosedMatthew Jones

Task #2774: Generate ? certificate/keyClosedMatthew Jones

Task #2740: Extend Metacat's GenerateSystemMetadata to target specific replication targetsClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2762: Add "generate now" button for each Metacat replication target in the admin screenClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2764: upgrade urn:node:mnStageUCSB1ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2776: revert mnStageUCSB1 Metacat db to 1.9.5 and upgrade to 2.0.0ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2765: upgrade urn:node:mnSandboxUCSB1RejectedBen Leinfelder

Task #2811: ESA - deploy skin on mnStageUCSB2ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2812: OBFS - test skinClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2813: NRS - test skinClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2814: Email all existing KNB replica partners re: 2.0.0 upgradeClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2742: Finalize DOI shoulders for PISCO, LTER, KNBClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2857: Create DOI conversion script for LTER nodeClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2880: SANParks MN upgradeClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2883: Determine current SANParks replication setupClosedJing Tao

Task #2884: Upgrade dataknp server softwareClosedJing Tao

Task #2885: Upgrade SANParks to Metacat 2.0.0ClosedJing Tao

Task #2886: Register SANParks as MNClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2887: Generate MN certificate for urn:node:SANPARKSRejectedMatthew Jones

Task #2889: Consolidate the and replication servers in dataknp Metacata dbClosedJing Tao

Task #2979: Upgrade SANParks to Metacat 2.0.1ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2980: Generate ORE map for EML packages on SANParksClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2881: ESA + PARC MN upgradeClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2888: Install Metacat pre-requisitesClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2845: Build new ESA server on ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2854: Email ESA admins about DNS switchClosedMatthew Jones

Task #2903: Migrate postgres DB for ESAClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2904: Migrate ESA documents/data directories to new serverClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2910: Set up ESA registryClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2911: Transfer SSL certificates to ESA serverClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2846: Build new PARC server on ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2853: Email PARC admins about DNS changeClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2905: Migrate postgres DB for PARCClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2906: Migrate PARC documents/data directories to new serverClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2912: Transfer SSL certificates to PARC serverClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2913: Configure Metacat->Metacat replication from PARC->KNBClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2891: Copy existing Apache configurations to new site configsClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2915: Install DataONE CA (ESA, PARC)ClosedChris Jones

Task #2981: Upgrade ESA to Metacat 2.0.1ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2882: KNB MN upgradeClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2892: Install Metacat prerequisites on KNB (mn-ucsb-3)ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2893: Generate certificate for urn:node:KNBRejectedMatthew Jones

Task #2894: Detail steps for moving postgres db to new KNBClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2895: Detail steps for moving /var/metacat/* to new KNBClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2897: Update and migrate static KNB contentClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2898: workflowscheduler and keplerRejectedJing Tao

Task #2899: EMLParser webapp - migrate to new KNB hostClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2901: Migrate [most of] existing KNB Apache configuration to new hostClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2902: Move/deprecate/update "authority" LSID-resolution serviceClosedMatthew Jones

Task #2918: LSID authority service error on initClosedMatthew Jones

Task #2907: Configure NCEAS, OBFS, NRS registryClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2908: Install NCEAS::AdminDB moduleClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2909: Allow PG connections from new server to adminDBClosedNick Outin

Task #2916: Install DataONE CA (new KNB)ClosedChris Jones

Task #2920: Transfer spatial cache to new serverClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2924: Switch DNS entries for KNBClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2938: SystemMetadata has incomplete obsoletedBy informationClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #2983: Upgrade KNB to Metacat 2.0.1ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #3006: Generate ORE maps for EML packages on KNBClosedBen Leinfelder

Related issues

Related to Infrastructure - Task #2815: EZID - create script and sample DOI batch spreadsheet Closed 2012-05-24


#1 Updated by Matthew Jones over 12 years ago

  • Category set to Support Operations
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Target version set to Sprint-2012.23-Block.3.4

#2 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Position set to 1
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.23-Block.3.4 to Sprint-2012.25-Block.4.1

#3 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Milestone changed from CCI-1.0.0 to CCI-1.0.2
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.25-Block.4.1 to Sprint-2012.27-Block.4.2

#4 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Position set to 1
  • Position deleted (9)

#5 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Milestone changed from CCI-1.0.2 to CCI-1.0.3

#6 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago

  • Position deleted (5)
  • Position set to 1
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.27-Block.4.2 to Sprint-2012.29-Block.4.3

#7 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago

  • Milestone changed from CCI-1.0.3 to CCI-1.0.4

#8 Updated by Chris Jones over 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.29-Block.4.3 to Sprint-2012.37-Block.5.3

#9 Updated by Chris Jones over 12 years ago

  • Position deleted (8)
  • Position set to 1
  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.37-Block.5.3 to Sprint-2012.35-Block.5.2

#10 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

finally closing -- subtasks are all complete or moved to separate tickets.

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