Task #2815
EZID - create script and sample DOI batch spreadsheet
The spreadsheet should include the following columns:
EZID account
URL (CN.resolve endpoint)
Title (for EML docs)
Creator (first listed creator)
Related issues
#1 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 13 years ago
First draft has been sent to Greg at EZID.
There has been mention of including publisher and pub date as well. These fileds may be difficult to procure for every object, even EML where it is optional metadata.
#2 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
columns now are:
I've sent a sample to Greg and John at CDL
#3 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 13 years ago
script is in Metacat SVN:
or for tagged versions:
#4 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago
Helpful pointers for required metadata:
Decided to add some more columns and make adjustments:
-use dc namespace for column headers
-include resource type column (Dataset/DATA, Dataset/METADATA)
-include [DataONE] objectFormat column
-translate DNs to names using LDAP dump
-Data file - see about using entity name
-add obsoletes/obsoleted by column
-add resource map id/location (using ore namespace)
-add public/private access column
#5 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago
After much discussion, I think we are almost ready to do the batch registration. The major contention has been for public vs. "protected" records. Many holdings in the KNB are not entirely visible to the general public and so should not have even their basic record metadata available (name, title, publisher). We have excluded those entries from the batch registration. This means, of course, that those DOIs will not be resolvable, but no one except a select group of a few people should ever encounter those DOIs anyway.
Awaiting comments from Kunze and Starr.
#6 Updated by Chris Jones over 12 years ago
- Target version changed from Sprint-2012.29-Block.4.3 to Sprint-2012.37-Block.5.3
#7 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago
- Parent task deleted (
Moving this task to be stand-alone rather than under the initial Metacat-based MN rollout.
#8 Updated by Ben Leinfelder about 12 years ago
- translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
The DOIs have been registered with EZID and DataCite. Only bad thing is that they UPPERCASED them all because dois are case-insensitive and that is their standard rendering of them. The resolution URLs still use the original case we sent - thankfully - since our identifiers are very much case-sensitive.