



From 2013-02-26 to 2013-03-27


23:43 Revision 9cda89f0 (d1_client_onedrive): Add in discussion for the development process, and partic...
Chris Jones
23:41 Revision d1a9bb4a (d1_client_onedrive): Link to the development-iteration page.
Chris Jones
18:48 Revision 12aff94d (d1_client_onedrive): Use the email, not coredev.
Chris Jones
18:37 Revision 859f479e (d1_client_onedrive): Add the general implementation planning text.
Chris Jones
18:33 Revision 4b70b26e (d1_client_onedrive): Fixed typos in checklist.
Matthew Jones
18:17 Revision 6fd7d51b (d1_client_onedrive): Update the checklist with a #7 description, and emphasize...
Chris Jones
18:04 Revision aaf677f4 (d1_client_onedrive): Describe the process of signing in as an MN operator, get...
Chris Jones
16:27 Revision fcb2a809 (d1_client_onedrive): improving error condition handling. exposing NotFound ex...
Skye Roseboom
16:12 Revision 741389ab (d1_client_onedrive): Fix minor typo
Chris Jones
16:10 Revision c6603f04 (d1_client_onedrive): Describe the login procedure at /portal, and verifying th...
Chris Jones
15:54 Revision a87b1b93 (d1_client_onedrive): Describe the MN Check service, and link to it in the docs.
Chris Jones
15:41 Revision 9e9d53ea (d1_client_onedrive): Add in the link to the environments page. Fix Typos.
Chris Jones
11:32 Revision a78e8fb3 (d1_client_onedrive): DRAFT of MN approval process; will need MNW/LT review/rev...
Laura Moyers
11:30 Revision d79dcc75 (d1_client_onedrive): DRAFT of MN procedures
Laura Moyers
03:38 Revision 9a6dd360 (d1_client_onedrive): Add a quick description of the DataONE deployment environ...
Chris Jones
03:29 Revision 911cf77f (d1_client_onedrive): Fixed minor typos.
Chris Jones
03:28 Revision ca9e70e4 (d1_client_onedrive): Minor numbering changes.
Chris Jones
03:26 Revision dc36ac74 (d1_client_onedrive): Updating the environments documentation with current info...
Chris Jones
01:27 Revision 68260e05 (d1_client_onedrive): Modified images to add header.
Matthew Jones
01:22 Revision 0b652b90 (d1_client_onedrive): Updated MN deployment flowchart.
Matthew Jones
00:20 Revision d9ddd599 (d1_client_onedrive): Added description of implementation planning phase, and e...
Matthew Jones
00:00 Revision b9808a9d (d1_client_onedrive): Updating hudson config backup.


23:55 Revision 3d314939 (d1_client_onedrive): Reorganized checklist, broke out details into separate fi...
Matthew Jones
22:07 Revision bdd43cca (d1_client_onedrive): Restructured mechanism for linking to individual pages fr...
Matthew Jones
21:31 Revision 82167e9f (d1_client_onedrive): small update so the search index schema.xml file is only ...
Skye Roseboom
21:04 Revision f0c2a96f (d1_client_onedrive): Updated page title.
Matthew Jones
20:51 Revision 8b8783b4 (d1_client_onedrive): Reorganized MN Checklist directory.
Matthew Jones
20:40 Revision c1bfc57d (d1_client_onedrive): Added document status, and fixed typo.
Matthew Jones
20:26 Revision 33bfc3e5 (d1_client_onedrive): fix to paging implementation. added test method for new r...
Skye Roseboom
19:49 Revision 0e260d60 (d1_client_onedrive): Generate the SEAD test cert.
Chris Jones
19:25 Revision a707ef53 (d1_client_onedrive): new dao query method to support coordinating node auditing
Skye Roseboom
19:24 Revision b884e283 (d1_client_onedrive): created distinct auditing classes for coordinating node r...
Skye Roseboom
14:57 Revision 7b685641 (d1_client_onedrive): Make the Metacat and GMN installation sections appendices...
Chris Jones
00:00 Revision 0f562abc (d1_client_onedrive): Updating hudson config backup.


22:03 Revision 0fa62d09 (d1_client_onedrive): initial implementation of a calculateCNChecksum added to ...
Skye Roseboom
21:00 Revision e9029586 (d1_client_onedrive): replication auditing strategy general cleanup.
added deleteReplicaObject to ReplicationService. Skye Roseboom
20:19 Revision dc78e5ca (d1_client_onedrive): added a areChecksumsEqual() method to ChecksumUtil.
Skye Roseboom


20:53 Revision 4d561904 (d1_client_onedrive): Initial outline for MN deployment checklists added. Need...
Matthew Jones


18:51 Revision d299a84c (d1_client_onedrive): Alan Cooper's "The Inmates of Running the Asylum" - Chapt...
Laura Moyers
18:25 Revision e3e7923b (d1_client_onedrive): area for share Member Node Coordination Documents
John Cobb


22:15 Revision a93385de (d1_client_onedrive): edits to DataPreservationOverview
Rob Nahf
20:10 Revision 1d5853aa (d1_client_onedrive): updated use cases to reflect assumption that obsoleted ob...
Rob Nahf


05:49 Revision 7dbbced6 (d1_client_onedrive): added details for submission use cases.
Rob Nahf


23:00 Revision eb613e63 (d1_client_onedrive): further work towards guides. listed known use cases in N...
Rob Nahf
21:43 Revision 480b9ac0 (d1_client_onedrive): updating applicationContext for process daemon wrt replic...
Skye Roseboom
21:33 Revision f749966e (d1_client_onedrive): initial commit of scheduled replication auditing components
Skye Roseboom
21:32 Revision 601f0161 (d1_client_onedrive): replication factory introduced to provide common service ...
Skye Roseboom


21:42 Revision dfb5a1ab (d1_client_onedrive): - Reimplemented ResourceMap parser using Foresite.
- Added functions for retrieving all triples and graphs.
- Added unit tests for ResourceMapGenerator and ResourceMapP...
Roger Dahl
20:44 Revision 4366f17b (d1_client_onedrive): new guide for the data consumer point of view. Initial c...
Rob Nahf
16:28 Revision 480cdb8a (d1_client_onedrive): simple cleanup - removed unused class attributes. update...
Skye Roseboom


23:14 Revision 08dd5ee1 (d1_client_onedrive): added proposed guides outline. wrapped text of the origin...
Rob Nahf
18:52 Revision 26aec26f (d1_client_onedrive): initial commit of guides in progress
Rob Nahf


22:36 Revision 5b1ca82d (d1_client_onedrive): Add the shell script I've been using to update the object...
Chris Jones
20:27 Revision 8983df0f (d1_client_onedrive): conditional field display example
Skye Roseboom
17:13 Revision 69cdfefd (d1_client_onedrive): adding parsing config to index tool config for dryad, fgd...
Skye Roseboom
15:57 Revision 2d749df7 (d1_client_onedrive): small improvements to result display
Skye Roseboom
15:27 Revision 55e4d1e3 (d1_client_onedrive): updates to open search description and initial d1 opensea...
Skye Roseboom
00:00 Revision c33d7f49 (d1_client_onedrive): Updating hudson config backup.


23:35 Revision 6aaa8ed3 (d1_client_onedrive): updating content-checking tests to fix NPEs. added conten...
Rob Nahf


23:55 Revision d0dc4df2 (d1_client_onedrive): updated verbage on the webtester index.jsp
Rob Nahf
23:29 Revision 2e332de2 (d1_client_onedrive): update to show field labels only when value exists for ea...
Skye Roseboom
23:25 Revision 63a7a4ef (d1_client_onedrive): backout the UTF-7 decoding - we have been relegated to AS...
Ben Leinfelder
22:45 Revision 74228fe3 (d1_client_onedrive): correcting dryad 3.1 formatId selector value
Skye Roseboom
22:43 Revision c3487e98 (d1_client_onedrive): fixed dryad 3.1 formatId selector value
Skye Roseboom
19:52 Revision 68fd1116 (d1_client_onedrive): ssl_ciphers and ssl_renegotiation_limit being uncommented...
Robert Waltz
18:56 Revision 69790156 (d1_client_onedrive): Initial edits to fix some the dataone package documentati...
Matthew Jones
01:30 Revision 5e2992d2 (d1_client_onedrive): Having some fun making a simple logo for GMN.
Roger Dahl


23:26 Revision 7a0520ae (d1_client_onedrive): start of RUnit testing structure for dataone R extension.
Rob Nahf
23:20 Revision cf353b82 (d1_client_onedrive): esri fgdc flavor support added to science metadata parsin...
Skye Roseboom
20:36 Revision ab83e71a (d1_client_onedrive): adding science metadata index parsing rules to index comp...
Skye Roseboom
19:35 Revision fb79f84a (d1_client_onedrive): small update - removing debug text
Skye Roseboom
19:34 Revision f911fb96 (d1_client_onedrive): xhr backed download panel improved - various improvements...
Skye Roseboom
18:23 Revision 31f16253 (d1_client_onedrive): Updating prebuilt docs.
Roger Dahl
06:09 Revision 377cc338 (d1_client_onedrive): - Added handling of missing mapping file to ObjectFormatI...
- Added library for generating simple resource maps. Roger Dahl
06:06 Revision 9bcbe7c0 (d1_client_onedrive): libclient usage examples.
Roger Dahl


20:49 Revision 57f6dad4 (d1_client_onedrive): Prebuilt docs for GMN.
Roger Dahl
20:48 Revision 7f5581af (d1_client_onedrive): Cleaning out old prebuilt docs.
Roger Dahl
20:46 Revision 36fd680a (d1_client_onedrive): Fix formatting error.
Roger Dahl
20:44 Revision 7286cd37 (d1_client_onedrive): - A number of changes to reflect the change in GMN's defa...
- Overall changes to install GMN into the D1 production environment, running in release mode.
- A page with additiona...
Roger Dahl


01:13 Revision 76fd4a67 (d1_client_onedrive): downgrade hazelcast/hazelcast-wm to 2.3.1 that is compati...
Ben Leinfelder
00:15 Revision da3eda78 (d1_client_onedrive): creating v1.0 branch for d1_client_r. A v1.0.0 tag is wa...
Rob Nahf


22:01 Revision ec63dacb (d1_client_onedrive): added better documentation about trustManager set up: exp...
Rob Nahf
21:36 Revision 9721d9ab (d1_client_onedrive): Add in object formats for the ESRI version of the FGDC CS...
Chris Jones
01:45 Revision 99ea140e (d1_client_onedrive): Updated, prebuilt docs.
Roger Dahl
01:43 Revision ab59a120 (d1_client_onedrive): Adding GMN overview diagram.
Roger Dahl
00:51 Revision 8cacb8bc (d1_client_onedrive): use UTF-8 in servlet response. left over from https://red...
Ben Leinfelder
00:34 Revision 1928fd5f (d1_client_onedrive): make sure jsp page explicitly uses UTF-8. left over from ...
Ben Leinfelder
00:23 Revision 1648eb9e (d1_client_onedrive): use trunk libclient version (1.3.0-SNAPSHOT)
Ben Leinfelder
00:09 Revision c5373e06 (d1_client_onedrive): use trunk libclient version (1.3.0-SNAPSHOT)
Ben Leinfelder
00:00 Revision f0f0152d (d1_client_onedrive): Updating hudson config backup.


22:55 Revision 64fe3d4e (d1_client_onedrive): add comment about why uft7 library is included
Ben Leinfelder
22:45 Revision 8c0c1688 (d1_client_onedrive): use trunk libclient version (1.3.0-SNAPSHOT)
Ben Leinfelder
22:44 Revision 5833fb70 (d1_client_onedrive): decode UTF-7 characters used in the CILogon certificate s...
Ben Leinfelder
22:33 Revision bdbfd8ed (d1_client_onedrive): removing response time logging
Skye Roseboom
22:25 Revision 7e9fa339 (d1_client_onedrive): xhr lazily loaded data package download panel - first cut.
Skye Roseboom
03:08 Revision 6c661452 (d1_client_onedrive): Support hazelcast 2.4.1 and 1.1.0 D1 release
Robert Waltz
00:26 Revision 8433a063 (d1_client_onedrive): fixed d1IdentifierSearch bug.
Rob Nahf
00:00 Revision aea06e95 (d1_client_onedrive): Updating hudson config backup.


23:31 Revision 29e18045 (d1_client_onedrive): updates to final version of CI slides
Bruce Wilson
23:17 Revision a3f469db (d1_client_onedrive): updates to final version of CI slides
Bruce Wilson
22:47 Revision d68dd8a2 (d1_client_onedrive): Formatting and outline slides, added slide numbers.
Matthew Jones
22:38 Revision 655f59ac (d1_client_onedrive): Semantics presentaiton formatting.
Matthew Jones
20:58 Revision af874cd4 (d1_client_onedrive): removed unwanted logging statement
Skye Roseboom
20:50 Revision 4992ad4f (d1_client_onedrive): Updated slide numbers, minor tweaks from review team.
Matthew Jones
20:27 Revision 6b5956ef (d1_client_onedrive): creating separate index parsing configuration for dryad 3...
Skye Roseboom
18:11 Revision b1004bae (d1_client_onedrive): Updated the DataUp slides as separate doc
Dave Vieglais
16:38 Revision 3a729f39 (d1_client_onedrive): editing introduction slide
Dave Vieglais
12:31 Revision 62ff2df1 (d1_client_onedrive): Edits to the DataUp section
Dave Vieglais
09:11 Revision 4166c565 (d1_client_onedrive): More details on the demos.
Matthew Jones
06:34 Revision 55de8040 (d1_client_onedrive): Fix the namespace of the EML documents used in the R demo.
Matthew Jones
06:25 Revision 5d963565 (d1_client_onedrive): Support hazelcast 4.2.1
Robert Waltz
05:51 Revision 5b55d506 (d1_client_onedrive): Modified formatting on several slides, shortened the intr...
Matthew Jones
04:57 Revision bce49cca (d1_client_onedrive): releasing d1_cn_approve_node 1.1.1
Robert Waltz
03:23 Revision 610faf81 (d1_client_onedrive)
01:03 Revision 0c4d33cf (d1_client_onedrive): Commit files for the third R demo to be given during the ...
Matthew Jones


23:25 Revision 75e0058b (d1_client_onedrive): updating for use with hazelcast 2.4.1, point to d1 reposi...
Robert Waltz
23:21 Revision 314f9231 (d1_client_onedrive): updating for use with hazelcast 2.4.1, point to d1 reposi...
Robert Waltz
22:44 Revision 73feb6c3 (d1_client_onedrive): updating for use with hazelcast 2.4.1
Robert Waltz
22:07 Revision 35bc6819 (d1_client_onedrive): adding updated COINS style tag to metadata detail view - ...
Skye Roseboom
17:31 Revision 60807300 (d1_client_onedrive): Updated slides provided by Bob and Amber
Dave Vieglais
16:17 Revision 17d3b5e8 (d1_client_onedrive): updated dryad science metadata xslt and associated css. ...
Skye Roseboom
13:08 Revision 6465defa (d1_client_onedrive): Added a couple of tables that were used for the MN presen...
Dave Vieglais
09:13 Revision 5d2f5a2e (d1_client_onedrive): Initial demo screencast movies.
Matthew Jones
05:53 Revision 0d3bcbc7 (d1_client_onedrive): Incorporated feedback from semantics group into slides.
Matthew Jones
04:57 Revision 62336b72 (d1_client_onedrive): Added some graphics to intro slide for research demos.
Dave Vieglais
04:51 Revision a3ef11a8 (d1_client_onedrive): mostly graphics edits for consistency with other ppts, a ...
Dave Vieglais
03:48 Revision 907a743c (d1_client_onedrive): Attempt to gracefully handle errors when connecting to Solr.
Roger Dahl
03:28 Revision bd7ff41e (d1_client_onedrive): Minor edit - added percent signs
Dave Vieglais
02:50 Revision 3c4906d2 (d1_client_onedrive): Added MN content summary slides for MN presnetation.
Dave Vieglais

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