Design documentation and software that implements the DataONE infrastructure. This includes the Coordinating Nodes, and other software developed by DataONE including Member Nodes, Investigator Tools, software libraries, and other tools used in operating and managing the infrastructure.
Manager: Amber Budden, Dave Vieglais, Matthew Jones
Developer: Amber Budden, Amy Forrester, Bertram Ludaescher, Bruce Wilson, Bryce Mecum, Carol Tenopir, Chris Jones, Dave Vieglais, Jeanette Clark, Jing Tao, John Evans, John Evans, Laura Moyers, Lauren Walker, Mark Schildhauer, Mark Servilla, Matthew Jones, Michael Frenock, Mike Frame, Monica Ihli, Nick Outin, Paolo Missier, Peter Slaughter, Rob Nahf, Roger Dahl, Suzanne Allard, Vivian Hutchison, William Michener
Reporter: Laura Moyers
Administrator: Dave Vieglais, Matthew Jones