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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8225Member NodesStoryIn ProgressNormalCustomize Indexing & View for gmd-pangaeaRob Nahf2018-05-17 14:30
8224InfrastructureTaskNewNormalmetacat not promoting node token privs for solrJing Tao2017-12-04 19:33Metacat
8222InfrastructureTaskNewNormalreindex all isotc211 content in production to reflect final decisions from origin field mappingDave Vieglais2018-03-22 16:56d1_indexer
8215InfrastructureBugNewNormalConsider how Subjects are compared (e.g. HTTP vs. HTTPS ORCID URIs)2017-11-07 22:11
8213Member NodesStoryNewNormalKUBI node is not responding as a MNDave Vieglais2017-11-06 22:18
8210InfrastructureFeatureNewNormalGenerate daily reports by member node of discrepancies between CN vs MN content2017-10-25 18:50
8208InfrastructureStoryNewNormalReview and adjust memory allocated to d1-index-task-generator and d1-index-task-processor2018-01-09 19:10
8207InfrastructureStoryNewNormalreview and adjust memory allocated to d1-processing2018-01-09 19:10
8206InfrastructureTaskNewNormalReview and adjust memory allocation to Solr and zookeeper2017-10-24 16:03
8205InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdjust memory allocation to Tomcat7 on CNs2017-10-24 15:33
8204InfrastructureStoryNewNormalAdjust memory allocation for services running under JVM on CNs2018-01-09 19:10
8196InfrastructureBugNewNormalDuplicated replicas in the system metadataJing Tao2017-10-18 17:19d1_replication
8195InfrastructureBugIn ProgressHighTomcat out of memory errorDave Vieglais2017-12-26 20:01
8189InfrastructureDecisionNewNormalProposal to change the roles mapped to the origin Solr field for ISO docsBryce Mecum2017-12-20 01:28
8188Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormalAg Data CommonsRebecca Koskela2017-09-22 23:06
8187Member NodesSupportNewNormalEZID DOI resolvable URLs failing for 14 PISCO objects2017-09-19 22:12
8186Member NodesMNDeploymentOperationalNormalESS-DIVE, including CDIACMatthew Jones2018-12-04 14:57
8184InfrastructureFeatureNewNormala feature indicates to restart tomcat when hazelcast client died Jing Tao2017-09-14 19:14Metacat
8182InfrastructureBugNewNormalrelationships defined using SIDs in resource maps don't stay currentRob Nahf2017-09-12 00:13d1_indexer
8173InfrastructureStoryNewHighadd checks for retrograde systemMetadata changesJing Tao2018-01-17 18:38d1_indexer
8172InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalinvestigate atomic updates for some solr updatesRob Nahf2018-01-17 18:39d1_indexer
8171InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDocument hazelcast components to be moved to postgres storageMonica Ihli2017-09-01 15:25
8170InfrastructureTaskNewNormalIdentify the components that are currently managed in LDAP on the Coordinating Nodes and how these may be migrated to postgres Monica Ihli2017-09-01 15:20
8169InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDocument process for changing the postgres masterMonica Ihli2017-09-01 15:09
8168InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEvaluate options for postgres replication configurationMonica Ihli2017-09-01 15:11
(251-275/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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