MNDeployment #4286
TERN (Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network) - Australia
TERN-Australia is a network of networks similar to LTER and KNB. It has a Data Discovery Portal for discovering and accessing data at its partner networks.
POCs: Alison Specht
Siddeswara Guru
Currently in conversations about how TERN wishes to participate with DataONE with several technical and administrative questions to address. Tier TBD.
Related issues
#1 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 11 years ago
As of 4 March, we are drafting a MOU which identifies 5 main focus areas for the TERN/DataONE collaboration. Intent is to firm this up the first half of 2014 with development activities on at least the first two focus areas anticipated for the second half of 2014 (all subject to change depending on MOU discussions, etc.).
#2 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 11 years ago
Recent communication revealed that they are running 3 Metacat instances. Could target more MNs - might be a separate tracker if we pursue them independently. (long term data, sparsely populated)
Additional POC:
Ivan Hanigan
Data Portal Project Manager / Data Analyst
Long Term Ecological Research Network (ANU)
and Australian SuperSite Network (JCU)
#3 Updated by Bruce Wilson almost 11 years ago
- Target version set to In Progress
- Start date set to 2014-05-19
- Due date set to 2015-07-31
#4 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago
- Target version deleted (
In Progress) - Status changed from Planning to Dup-Closed
Work to accomplish this effort is found under, TERN Australia (powered by AEKOS).