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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8835Member NodesStoryNewNormalAdd ability for scanner to stop after a certain number of errorsJohn Evans2019-08-12 19:16
8173InfrastructureStoryNewHighadd checks for retrograde systemMetadata changesJing Tao2018-01-17 18:38d1_indexer
7859InfrastructureStoryNewNormalAdd formatID for the STL 3d model file formatDave Vieglais2018-01-17 19:04
8762InfrastructureStoryNewNormalAdd new formats to CN2019-02-07 20:03
8204InfrastructureStoryNewNormalAdjust memory allocation for services running under JVM on CNs2018-01-09 19:10
4650InfrastructureStoryNewNormalAllow MN to bias resolve to the authoritative MNRob Nahf2018-01-17 20:00d1_cn_common
8848InfrastructureStoryNewNormalA minor difference of annotation index between CN and MN2019-11-01 21:37
8589Member NodesStoryNewNormalARM: Re-Discovery & Planning2018-05-10 21:44
6850Java ClientStoryNewNormalautomate Java Client releases Rob Nahf2018-01-17 19:42d1_libclient_java
8521Member NodesStoryNewNormalCAFF: Testing & Development2018-04-06 15:17
8044InfrastructureStoryNewNormalcertificate manager should check expiration of CAs it loads into the trust manager.Rob Nahf2018-01-09 19:10d1_libclient_java
2488InfrastructureStoryNewNormalChanging the authoritativeMembernode will require all replica's systemMetadata be updatedDave Vieglais2018-01-17 20:39d1_synchronization
8307InfrastructureStoryNewNormalCheck node subject on node registration and subsequent callsJing Tao2018-02-06 20:06d1_cn_node_registry
8806InfrastructureStoryNewNormalCleanup from OS upgrades2019-05-21 12:45
8851InfrastructureStoryNewNormalCN sends error doc with "pid" to v2 endpointJing Tao2019-11-06 22:31d1_synchronization
7807InfrastructureStoryNewLowcn.synchronize should support synchronization failure corrections.2018-01-17 19:15Architecture Design
8791InfrastructureStoryNewNormalComplete deprecation of ONEMercury interfaceRob Nahf2019-05-01 14:00d1_mercury
8832Member NodesStoryNewNormalConflict between pyshacl and owlr on ubuntuJohn Evans2019-08-05 19:32
6513InfrastructureStoryNewNormalCreate a Local Cache of all Membernode log records on the single master CNDave Vieglais2018-01-17 19:49d1_log_aggregation
7166OGC-Slender NodeStoryNewNormalCreate ORE document for an NODC data packageDave Vieglais2015-06-08 18:50
8568Member NodesStoryNewNormal(CyVerse) Move to production2018-04-23 21:18
8564Member NodesStoryNewNormal(CyVerse) Testing & Development Rob Nahf2018-07-02 19:56
8857InfrastructureStoryNewNormalD1Client.getCN() always get the production cn on the CN Tomcat contextJing Tao2019-12-13 00:34dataone-cn-rest-service
7713InfrastructureStoryNewNormald1DebConfig.xml should be versioned in dataone-cn-os-coreRob Nahf2018-01-17 19:24d1_cn_buildout
8022InfrastructureStoryNewNormald1_log_aggregation has different version of Hazelcast than the rest of CN stack. Hazelcast version very out of date.Rob Nahf2018-01-09 19:10d1_log_aggregation
(1-25/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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