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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7170OGC-Slender NodeStoryNewNormalEvaluate the feasibility of extracting provenance information from the journal.txt documentDave Vieglais2015-06-08 21:28
7148OGC-Slender NodeTaskIn ProgressNormalDetermine formatId for science metadataDave Vieglais2015-09-22 16:27
7439MN Service RegistrationTaskNewNormalUpdate the search interface to support rendering and other actions for servicesDave Vieglais2015-10-16 14:06
3519Member NodesMNDeploymentNewLowPrairie Research InstituteDave Vieglais2015-11-19 17:00
7601InfrastructureBugNewHighCN checksum inconsistenciesDave Vieglais2016-01-26 19:29
7219Python GMNStoryIn ProgressNormalUpgrade Django version used by GMN, add better support for PUT operationsDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:24
7199Python GMNTaskNewNormalImplement support for token authentication approachDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
7137Python GMNTaskTestingNormalAdd support for V2 urlsDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
6497Python GMNFeatureIn ProgressNormalV2 GMN SupportDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
7138Python GMNTaskTestingNormalCreate new view functionsDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
7139Python GMNTaskIn ReviewNormalmodify postgres schemaDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
7140Python GMNTaskIn ReviewNormalResolve sids to pidsDave Vieglais2016-03-25 01:27
7095Python GMNStoryNewLowSupport HTTP redirect capability for GMN within the Vendor Specific Extension modelDave Vieglais2016-03-25 02:30
7767InfrastructureTaskNewNormalIn DataONE search results, move map display to map extent Dave Vieglais2016-05-04 18:31
4068Member NodesTaskNewNormalCoordinate discussions for biodiversity data in DataONE with TDWG participantsDave Vieglais2016-06-17 19:31
7838DataONE APITaskNewNormalModify the obsolescence chain process to accommodate the use case where both old and new PIDs are present on the CN for v1 MNsDave Vieglais2016-06-29 02:20
7850InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPassing SID to MNRead.systemMetadataChanged()Dave Vieglais2016-07-20 20:00
7930Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalverify obsoletion in tDAR sandboxDave Vieglais2016-12-01 23:47
3191Member NodesMNDeploymentDeferredNormalUC Vertnet Member NodeDave Vieglais2017-01-31 14:54
8213Member NodesStoryNewNormalKUBI node is not responding as a MNDave Vieglais2017-11-06 22:18
8195InfrastructureBugIn ProgressHighTomcat out of memory errorDave Vieglais2017-12-26 20:01
8235InfrastructureTaskNewNormalArrange with KU library to make use of ORCID membership to support DataONE authenticationDave Vieglais2018-01-09 02:01
8236InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAcquire ORCID API key under KU membershipDave Vieglais2018-01-09 02:21
7882InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalTune CN logfile managementDave Vieglais2018-01-17 19:03
7859InfrastructureStoryNewNormalAdd formatID for the STL 3d model file formatDave Vieglais2018-01-17 19:04
(101-125/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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