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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8810CN RESTTaskNewNormalVerify configuration of portal certificates2019-05-21 13:00
8815InfrastructureBugNewNormalInvestigate and fix failed sync/harvest of doi:10.18739/A2CH482019-06-04 23:26
8819Member NodesStoryNewNormalIEDA documents not in DataONE2019-06-13 19:20
8822InfrastructureBugNewLowAccount queries in STAGE-2 failing from web browser2019-06-19 01:44
8842InfrastructureStoryNewNormalSome exceptions in Metacat2019-09-19 17:53
8843Member NodesBugNewNormalServer certificate is expired2019-10-08 15:14
8844Member NodesBugNewNormalServer certificate is expired2019-10-08 18:27
8845Member NodesBugNewNormalServer is returning a 500 error.2019-10-08 15:20
8846Member NodesBugNewNormalTFRI node unresponsive2019-10-08 15:26
8848InfrastructureStoryNewNormalA minor difference of annotation index between CN and MN2019-11-01 21:37
8853InfrastructureStoryNewNormalMake cn.resolve smarter2019-11-15 16:50
8856InfrastructureStoryNewNormalPut the system metadata part ahead of the object part when d1_client_python constructs the multipart2019-11-22 18:31d1_python
8860CN RESTBugNewNormal/token endpoint doesn't set a content-type and character encoding2020-02-29 01:00d1_portal
8866InfrastructureBugNewNormalJava client tools should set a custom user agent string2020-07-15 22:43
1556InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressHighInterns mailing list2011-05-12 23:02
4052InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalOPeNDAP MN Story2013-10-06 20:07mn.OPeNDAP
4671Java ClientTaskIn ProgressNormalsuggest updating the following versions:2015-02-11 20:08
4672Java ClientTaskIn ProgressNormalmvn dependencies:analyse shows transitive dependencies:2015-02-11 20:08
5833Member NodesStoryIn ProgressNormalGBIF: Developing2019-02-19 18:24
7929Member NodesTaskIn ProgressNormalArchive content for SEAD2016-11-09 17:11
8049InfrastructureStoryIn ProgressNormalSupport synchronization of system metadata for unhosted METADATA and RES_MAP objects2018-01-17 18:50Architecture Design
8364CN RESTStoryIn ProgressNormalEnsure portal uses correct X509 certificates2019-05-21 12:57d1_portal_servlet
8693InfrastructureDecisionIn ProgressLowSupport Google Dataset Search on via partial server side rendering2019-06-06 23:53
8727Member NodesStoryIn ProgressNormalNCAR Discovery & Assessment2019-01-22 18:34
8725Member NodesMNDeploymentIn ReviewNormalNCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research)2018-10-08 13:33
(1126-1150/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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