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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
8040InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalRemove the input form for the orcid secret from dataone-cn-os-coreJing Tao2017-03-14 18:34dataone-cn-os-core
8308InfrastructureTaskNewNormalReview use of /node/subject in the node documents2018-02-06 20:05
7822InfrastructureTaskNewNormalShould we configure clients to use Expect 100-Continue header in 1.1 requestsRob Nahf2016-06-03 19:46d1_libclient_java
8703InfrastructureTaskNewNormaltest the cleaned up indexer in DEVRob Nahf2018-09-24 18:05d1_indexer
6376InfrastructureTaskNewNormaltest the new strategy against working ReplicationManager testRob Nahf2016-06-22 16:53d1_replication
8098InfrastructureTaskClosedHighToken-based authentication fails with LE CN certsJing Tao2020-03-26 14:39dataone-cn-portal
1650InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate d1_cn_service ProxyCNCoreService and CNCoreController to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51
1647Java ClientTaskNewNormalUpdate d1_common_java ObjectFormatServiceImpl to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51d1_common_java
1648Java ClientTaskNewNormalUpdate d1_libclient_java ObjectFormatCache to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51d1_libclient_java
4189InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalUpdate dataoneErrors.xsd to match the documentationDave Vieglais2017-01-14 00:24d1_schemas
1651InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate Metacat ResourceHandler to field the PUT call on /formats/fmtid2016-06-22 16:51
1649InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate Metacat's CNCoreImpl to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51
6843InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalUpdate the prov instance of the RdfXmlSubprocessor to index renamed and inverse provenance propertiesChris Jones2017-03-28 16:16d1_indexer
8104InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpgrade postgresql jdbc jar file on MetacatJing Tao2017-06-02 20:58Metacat
8102InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpgrade postgresql jdbc jar file on PortalJing Tao2017-06-02 20:53d1_portal
8103InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpgrade the postgresql jdbc jar file on the cn contextJing Tao2017-06-02 20:56d1_cn_service
7935InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUse a dedicated hazelcast queue as the listener to generate index taskJing Tao2017-02-27 18:07d1_indexer
6373InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalutilize the new ApacheDS LDAP testing infrastructureRob Nahf2016-06-22 16:53d1_replication
8034InfrastructureTaskClosedNormalVerify support for lets encrypt certificates by DataONE java and python clientsRoger Dahl2018-01-17 19:16d1_libclient_java
7699InfrastructureBugNewNormalalter scripts that backup postgresql db2017-05-09 17:33dataone-cn-os-core
4674InfrastructureBugNewUrgentAsk Judith, Mike and Virgina Perez.2.1 to obsolete those pids which contain the white spaces.Jing Tao2017-05-04 18:01d1_cn_service
8010CN RESTBugNewNormalCN.archive fails with 401 Unauthorized when using either MN or CN client certificate for PID with authoritative MN as urn:node:LTERJing Tao2017-03-21 17:10
8229InfrastructureBugClosedNormalcn.creates failing with "413: Request Entity Too Large" thrown from apacheRob Nahf2017-12-18 23:45d1_cn_buildout
7964InfrastructureBugClosedNormalCN V1/V2.archive implementation only allows CN and MN administrators to actJing Tao2017-03-14 18:34Metacat
6539InfrastructureBugClosedNormalcompletely unable to access from Safari 7.1 if user has any certificates installedRobert Waltz2016-12-02 00:20d1_cn_buildout
(51-75/99) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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