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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
6380Member NodesTaskNewNormalICMBIO: Initial Preparation2015-11-19 17:21
1650InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate d1_cn_service ProxyCNCoreService and CNCoreController to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51
3212Member NodesTaskNewNormalCollect metadata for the Taiwan TERN member nodeMatthew Jones2014-02-20 21:58
4657Java ClientTaskNewNormalPom versions are mixed between properties and inline (e.g. <version>1.8.4</version>)Rob Nahf2015-02-11 20:08
1649InfrastructureTaskNewNormalUpdate Metacat's CNCoreImpl to include addFormat()2016-06-22 16:51
3210Member NodesTaskNewNormalCollect application metadata for the AKN member nodeBen Leinfelder2013-01-08 19:23
8587Member NodesTaskNewNormalAdd DataONE Logo to SanParks websiteJing Tao2018-05-09 21:19
5865Member NodesTaskNewNormalGBIF: Log record access2016-07-02 12:45
6389InfrastructureTaskNewNormalThe version of com.googlecode.foresite-toolkit is 1.0-SNAPSHOT on the d1_libclient_java releases2014-09-18 00:42
3208Member NodesTaskNewNormalCollate node application metadata for the BIOTA - FAPESP MNMatthew Jones2015-12-03 19:36
4117Member NodesTaskNewNormalIssue Test certs for FRIM2015-01-23 19:02
3204Member NodesTaskNewNormalCollate MN metadata for reviewMike Frame2015-12-03 19:36
1646InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd addFormat() to the CNCore API2016-06-22 16:51
8341Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalInitial Communications2018-02-22 19:14
1585InfrastructureTaskNewLowadd exec-maven-plugin to trigger python integration tests at verify phase.Rob Nahf2012-10-16 21:32
3181Member NodesTaskNewNormalContact PFRP as potential MNMatthew Jones2013-01-30 21:00
8464Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormaltest: Metadata Validation2018-03-01 21:04
7103Member NodesTaskNewNormalCreate a new test certificate for mnStagePISCODave Vieglais2015-05-14 18:29
3177Member NodesTaskNewNormalContact operatorsMatthew Jones2012-09-05 01:46
6692Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Show MN as "upcoming" on the dashboard2014-12-04 20:07
3171InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd d1_ common_java d1_libclient_java and their dependency jar files to the morpho lib2012-08-31 17:27
8344Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalMN Communications2018-02-22 19:47
6695Member NodesTaskNewNormalFTGEN: Verify MN Content and Services in Production2014-12-04 20:07
3166InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd d1_ common_java and d1_libclient_java and their depency jar2012-08-31 17:15
4711InfrastructureTaskNewNormalreplace SSL Certs for cn-unm-1.dataone.org2014-09-24 18:14
(326-350/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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