


Bug #8623

MNDeployment #3238: Idaho Northwest Knowledge Network member node

NKN Node certificate has changed, CN doesn't match server

Added by Dave Vieglais about 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
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The NKN node appears to using a different server certificate with:


Though the baseURL for the MN is:

This results in a connection failure since the host name does not match the certificate.

Need to contact the node administrator and determine what has changed and how it should be corrected.


#1 Updated by Mark Servilla about 6 years ago

An email notifying the NKN MN operator(s) of the current issue has been sent to both Carrie Roever and Luke Sheneman.

#2 Updated by Mark Servilla about 6 years ago

Received response from Carrie Roever:

Our MN has been experiencing a few issues since the update occurred a few weeks back. I believe that Luke sent an email to Roger Dahl explaining. Unfortunately I do not have the expertise to elaborate on the issues, and Luke is out of the country for a few weeks.

If you believe that updating the domain will help and not further exacerbate any issues, then I believe it would be okay to correct. However, if you are uncertain, it might be best to wait until Luke returns.

Seems best to wait for Luke Sheneman's return.

#3 Updated by Mark Servilla about 6 years ago

Note that follow-up with Roger Dahl indicates that there has been no recent communication with NKN personnel on this particular issue:

Latest we have is from Luke in early May, "We appreciate it. I am going to work with Carrie Roever and get her up to speed on better managing our DataONE MN."

#4 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from New to Closed

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