


Task #8608

MNDeployment #8186: ESS-DIVE, including CDIAC

Story #8588: ESSDIVE: Move to production

ESSDIVE: Mutual acceptance

Added by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


Verify that the content is synchronizing correctly and the search results appear as expected. Member node approves


#1 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 6 years ago

9/4/18: per chris - replication of their content is successful (still working to get UIC accepting replicas for them)

#2 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 6 years ago

9/13/18: per Chris - The ESS_DIVE replicas on UIC are basically complete, with a few that have issues on the CN so won’t replicate over yet.

#3 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 6 years ago

Approval issues from Shreyas Cholia

  1. Logo for ESS-DIVE is too small. Can we use a bigger logo?

    • per chris: - their logo gets resized in the MetacatUI display kinda small, so I think that’s just a display issue. I’ll file a ticket for that. I’ll also look at their logo image to see if we can crop any blank space around the edges to get the logo to be a bit bigger.
  2. Citations: They are using ESS-DIVE as the publisher and the long version number (see example below). We would need the citations to be consistent with our portal. They have the publisher correctly listed in the landing page field below.
    For e.g
    Charlotte Grossiord, Arthur Gessler, Sasha Reed, Isaac Borrego, Adam Collins, et al. 2018. SUMO Nitrogen Labeling Experiment and Soil Biogeochemistry. ESS-DIVE: Deep Insight for Earth Science Data. doi:10.15485/1454273, version: ess-dive-9d24a304e737a68-20180615T162445443027.

    • per Chris: we have basically implemented custom citation views (like the one for Pangaea) when their citation rules differ from the standard DataONE citation. Again, this is another MetacatUI issue (for the DataONE theme), so I’ll add that as a ticket too.

#4 Updated by Amy Forrester almost 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Assignee set to Amy Forrester
  • Status changed from New to Closed

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