


Task #8477

MNDeployment #8186: ESS-DIVE, including CDIAC

Story #8475: ESSDIVE: Planning

ESSDIVE: Technical Requirements

Added by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


  • Confirm chosen deployment path.
  • Communicate knowledge of technical requirements for selected deployment. These can include:
    • SSL certificate.
    • FQDN.
    • Apache web server with Python 2.7 or Java (depending on stack).
  • Confirm metadata format. Communicate expectations for metadata quality.
  • Specify in advance whether a separate test installation will be maintained in parallel with production. This is important for planning the deployment. A separate test will need distinct subdomain and SSL cert if not using wildcard.


#1 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago

6/11/18: Update from Chris Jones
So, the ESS-DIVE team stood up their production repository over the last six months, and they are now accepting data submissions, as well as migrating data from previous repositories that have sunsetted like CDIAC.

After discussing timelines, we’re planning a DataONE on-boarding schedule of:

  • July 1: Registered and syncing in Stage
  • August 1: Registered, syncing, and announced in Production

Overall, the process should be quite smooth since they are using Metacat as their repository software, and are already communicating via the DataONE API, and are using ORCID Id logins through DataONE.

I will be glad to do the technical work with them to get them registered in each environment, and to review their content. Again - there are no real major needs with regard to metadata or data formats - they are using standard EML 2.1.1, and so far, haven’t come across data formats outside of the DataONE formats list. We will add formats as needed if the issue does arise. They already have a test client certificate, so registering in Stage should be straight forward. I will focus on reviewing their node document, their system metadata, and their metadata documents, and will document progress at Task #8479.

#2 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Assignee set to Amy Forrester
  • Status changed from New to Closed

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