Task #7979
MNDeployment #7757: GINA - Geographic Information Network of Alaska
GINA: Configure SSL Certificates for Testing Environment
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Story Points:
DataONE creates client certificate, MN installs client certificate, DataONE verifies successful installation of client certificate; MN obtains/installs server certificate (req'd for Tiers 2-4, optional for Tier 1 if MN wishes to use HTTPS), DataONE verifies successful installation of server certificate.
#1 Updated by Laura Moyers about 8 years ago
- Tracker changed from MNDeployment to Task
- Assignee set to Mark Servilla
#2 Updated by Mark Servilla over 6 years ago
- Assignee changed from Mark Servilla to Amy Forrester