Task #7672
MNDeployment #3552: USGS CSAS
Task #7081: Archive CSAS content (metadata)
Un-approve the CSAS MN in production
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Story Points:
As one of the last tasks in deprecating the CSAS MN, its node registration needs to be un-approved in production.
There is some question about the behavior of any content (formerly) associated with the CSAS MN. All content has been archived, which means that a user with a valid PID could still access the content even though it is no longer displayed on search results. We're not quite sure of the behavior of such an action if the authoritative/owner MN is no longer an approved MN. This is something to be investigated later.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais almost 9 years ago
- translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Synchronization disabled and un approved.