


Task #4234

Story #4230: CN System Metadata needs tidying

Refactor Metacat DAO to use bulk data transfer calls

Added by Chris Jones about 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
0.00 h
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We've been using the SystemMetadataDao in a pid-by-pid fashion, and plan to do bulk updates of the CNs instead. We will still be merging system metadata in a pid-by-pid fashion, and writing the results to a local database table. However, once all pids are processed, we will move the tables in bulk to the remote CNs.


Task #4235: Enable bulk read of system metadata from all 3 CNsClosedChris Jones

Related issues

Related to Infrastructure - Task #4223: Implement the Metacat DAO layer for accessing/updating systemmetadata Closed 2014-01-08

Associated revisions

Revision e1db6fb1
Added by Chris Jones about 11 years ago

Refactor the d1_cn_common SystemMetadataDao layer to be able to pass in a DataSource and a map of table names that represent the 5 Metacat system metadata tables (identifier, systemmetadata, smreplicationpolicy, smreplicationstatus, xml_access). The map provides a lookup to the standard names when a specific database may have tables prefixed like 'unm_identifier'.

Also update the SystemMetadataDaoMetacatImpl and it's test to conform to the new interface. In progress. Needs testing.

refs #4234

Revision 13252
Added by Chris Jones about 11 years ago

Refactor the d1_cn_common SystemMetadataDao layer to be able to pass in a DataSource and a map of table names that represent the 5 Metacat system metadata tables (identifier, systemmetadata, smreplicationpolicy, smreplicationstatus, xml_access). The map provides a lookup to the standard names when a specific database may have tables prefixed like 'unm_identifier'.

Also update the SystemMetadataDaoMetacatImpl and it's test to conform to the new interface. In progress. Needs testing.

refs #4234

Revision 13252
Added by Chris Jones about 11 years ago

Refactor the d1_cn_common SystemMetadataDao layer to be able to pass in a DataSource and a map of table names that represent the 5 Metacat system metadata tables (identifier, systemmetadata, smreplicationpolicy, smreplicationstatus, xml_access). The map provides a lookup to the standard names when a specific database may have tables prefixed like 'unm_identifier'.

Also update the SystemMetadataDaoMetacatImpl and it's test to conform to the new interface. In progress. Needs testing.

refs #4234

Revision 13252
Added by Chris Jones about 11 years ago

Refactor the d1_cn_common SystemMetadataDao layer to be able to pass in a DataSource and a map of table names that represent the 5 Metacat system metadata tables (identifier, systemmetadata, smreplicationpolicy, smreplicationstatus, xml_access). The map provides a lookup to the standard names when a specific database may have tables prefixed like 'unm_identifier'.

Also update the SystemMetadataDaoMetacatImpl and it's test to conform to the new interface. In progress. Needs testing.

refs #4234


#1 Updated by Robert Waltz over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0

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