Story #3707
DSpace Member Node Implementation
Story to capture the tasks to create a new DSpace DataOne Member Node implementation.
Goal is to provide a platform for existing DSpace repositories to become DataOne members.
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#1 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 11 years ago
- Product Version set to *
Comments below from #3425, which was closed out as a duplicate of this story:
During 20121214 LT and MN wrangler call there was as discussion about a meeting Bill Michener had with Michelle Kimpton (sp?). DSpace is revising their SW stack and it may be possible to incorporate DataONE API into their next rev. This will help with DataONE penetration since DSapce is used by much of the Library community.
Michener seemed to emphasize this as an important item in that it could be easily done and it would open up opportunities, and without it, it would increase the difficulty of incorporating DSpace based repositories for another year.
Next step is to set up a meeting with Tim/Tom Donohue (sp?) the DSpace architect. cintact point is Dave V., Bruce Wilson, and/or Matt Jones/ Also at a high level Michener, Koskela, and/or Budden should engage Kimpton.
Since Dryad is DSpace based, the Dryad work might go a long way to helping jump start this effort both in terms of SW implementation ans well as documentation.
#2 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected