


Task #3220

MNDeployment #3219: iEcolab member node

contact iEcolab to determine possible MN role

Added by Dave Vieglais over 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

In Progress
Ben Leinfelder
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Story Points:


During the Aug 2012 CCIT meeting it was determined that this possible MN was an early candidate for deployment.

This task is to track the initial communications for evaluation.


#1 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Matthew Jones to Ben Leinfelder

#2 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

I've been in contact with them and they are planning on upgrading their Metacat deployment to become a MN. Francisco is meeting with Mark and Bill at the ASM LTER meeting next week and wants to be involved in ILTER.

#3 Updated by Matthew Jones about 12 years ago

  • Target version set to Deploy by end of Y5Q2

#4 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 11 years ago

Primary iEcolab contacts:
Francisco Javier Bonet García
Ramón Pérez Pérez

#5 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 11 years ago

Sent 08/14/2013

Hi Ramón,
That's good to hear. Since you are already running a Metacat server, it should be quite easy for you to contribute to DataONE as a Member Node.
You can start at the "Deploy" stage as outlined in our checklist:
If you have a test environment, that's great, but it's not required.

Looking at the server you currently have set up, I think it would be good to upgrade Metacat to at least v2.0.8. We recently released v2.1.0 which includes a new SOLR-based search mechanism that you might wish to take advantage of, though our default skins are not yet using it.

I also notice that your SSL certificate is self-signed and expired earlier this year. DataONE can issue you a server certificate if you wish, though we recommend that your institution procure a server certificate issued by a well-known Certificate Authority if at all possible. Let me know if you'd like us to issue a DataONE server certificate for "" and I'll get the going.

We also assign unique Node Ids to our Member Nodes yours will likely be: "urn:node:IECOLAB" unless you feel strongly that it should be something else. DataONE will issue you a client certificate (different from the server certificate I referenced above) that can be used to uniquely identify any requests your Member Node makes to the Coordinating Node. The location of this client certificate is configured in the Metacat admin interface. The Metacat documentation has a DataONE section that describes the configuration steps needed to fully configure Metacat as a Member Node (

That's probably a lot of information to take in, but please don't hesitate to send me questions as you work through the upgrade and configuration steps.
Thank you,

#6 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 11 years ago

  • Target version deleted (Deploy by end of Y5Q2)

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