Task #3139
Story #3136: Inconsistent data in production 1.0.3 release
Identify and correct missing identifiers table entries on ORC and UNM (w/xml_documents)
The xml_documents table entries are missing identifiers table entries. If there is an entry in the xml_documents table, then there should be an entry in the identifiers table crossreferencing it to the systemMetadata table.
Use the following query on the 3 production machines:
su postgres -c "psql -d metacat -c \"select count(*) from xml_documents x \
where not exists (select * from identifier i where x.docid = i.docid and x.rev = i.rev)\""
It will result in 5 results on ORC and 2 results on UNM.
#1 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
* for https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/3139
-- on ORC (missing the most, UNM is missing only two already included in the 5)
select docid, rev from xml_documents x where not exists (select * from identifier i where x.docid = i.docid and x.rev = i.rev);
-- on UCSB, find the missing mappings
select guid, docid, rev
from identifier
where docid in
order by docid;
-- on ORC
insert into identifier (guid, docid, rev)
values ('ark:/13030/m5959g94/1/cadwsap-s3910015-005.xml', 'autogen.2012081123435940734', '1');
insert into identifier (guid, docid, rev)
values ('ark:/13030/m5cv4gcn/1/cadwsap-s5010028-023.xml', 'autogen.2012081201561580946', '1');
insert into identifier (guid, docid, rev)
values ('ark:/13030/m5hq3xn3/1/cadwsap-s3910005-028.xml', 'autogen.2012081205115812190', '1');
-- on UNM
insert into identifier (guid, docid, rev)
values ('ark:/13030/m5cv4gcn/1/cadwsap-s5010028-023.xml', 'autogen.2012081201561580946', '1');
insert into identifier (guid, docid, rev)
values ('ark:/13030/m5hq3xn3/1/cadwsap-s3910005-028.xml', 'autogen.2012081205115812190', '1');
-- These are duplicate EML docs on ORC that have no mapping to their pid - a different autogen maps to the pid already.
select * from xml_documents where docid in ('autogen.2012071013471468072', 'autogen.2012071014032840973');
* 'autogen.2012071013471468072' shows 'doi:10.6085/AA/LNDXXX_013MTBD004R00_20030217.50.2' in EML file on ORC, but that PID maps to 'autogen.2012071023184180742' -- files are the same on disk
* 'autogen.2012071014032840973' shows 'doi:10.6085/AA/LNDXXX_013MTBD012R00_20010321.50.5' in EML file on ORC, but that PID maps to 'autogen.2012071023241907218' -- files are the same on disk
-- on all three servers this is correct
select * from identifier where guid in ('doi:10.6085/AA/LNDXXX_013MTBD004R00_20030217.50.2', 'doi:10.6085/AA/LNDXXX_013MTBD012R00_20010321.50.5');
--remove the duplicate docs from ORC
DELETE FROM xml_queryresult WHERE docid in ('autogen.2012071013471468072', 'autogen.2012071014032840973');
DELETE FROM xml_path_index WHERE docid in ('autogen.2012071013471468072', 'autogen.2012071014032840973');
DELETE FROM xml_index WHERE docid in ('autogen.2012071013471468072', 'autogen.2012071014032840973');
DELETE FROM xml_documents WHERE docid in ('autogen.2012071013471468072', 'autogen.2012071014032840973');
DELETE FROM xml_nodes WHERE docid in ('autogen.2012071013471468072', 'autogen.2012071014032840973');
-- check our work
select docid, rev from xml_documents x where not exists (select * from identifier i where x.docid = i.docid and x.rev = i.rev);
#2 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 12 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed