


Story #3136

Inconsistent data in production 1.0.3 release

Added by Robert Waltz almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Ben Leinfelder
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% Done:


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There are several issues regarding inconsistent data in the production environment. Some issues are specifically related to the ingestion of CDL content, some are older issues.

I examined 4 different scenarios.

#1) systemMetadata table entries missing entries in the identifiers table. Any dataONE type that is a Science Metadata or a Resource Map should have a corresponding entry in the identifiers table.

#2) identifiers table entries missing corresponding entries in xml_documents or xml_revisions table. If there is an entry in systeMetadata table that has a corresponding entry in the identifiers table, then there should be an entry in either the xml_documents or xml_revisions table.

#3) xml_documents missing identifiers. If there is an entry in the xml_documents table, then there should be an entry in the identifiers table crossreferencing it to the systemMetadata table.

#4) xml_revisions missing identifiers. If there is an entry in the xml_revisions table, then there should be an entry in the identifiers table crossreferencing it to the systemMetadata table.

Scenarios 1-3 resulted in data in inconsistent states (missing data). Luckily, there does not appear to be any problems with scenario 4.


Task #3137: Identify and correct missing identifiers table entries on ORC and UNM (w/systemMetadata)ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #3138: Identify and correct missing xml_documents or xml_revisions table entries on ORC, UNM and UCSBClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #3139: Identify and correct missing identifiers table entries on ORC and UNM (w/xml_documents)ClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #3140: Missing UCSB xml_revisionsClosedBen Leinfelder

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#1 Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

All content has been synched and the solr indexes rebuilt.

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