



From 2013-10-06 to 2013-11-04


17:49 Story #4154: Refactor dataone R package to eliminate Java dependency
The current @dataone@ package depends on rJava to load the DataONE libclient library for interacting with services. ... Matthew Jones
17:46 Story #4154 (Closed): Refactor dataone R package to eliminate Java dependency
Matthew Jones


18:49 Bug #4151: Can not switch environments due to static library loading
Trying to switch the CN environment from the R client causes the error:
Error: The provided mnNodeid value is ...
Matthew Jones
18:46 Bug #4151 (Closed): Can not switch environments due to static library loading
Matthew Jones


00:12 Bug #4143 (Closed): Eliminate extraneous output from R client
The R client is very chatty, emitting messages throughout all of its operations, many of which are debugging messages... Matthew Jones


21:54 Feature #4128 (Closed): Add support for pluggable metadata modules (e.g., reml)
Currently, the @dataone@ package handles metadata parsing only for EML using the EML parser class. This is relativel... Matthew Jones
21:41 Feature #4127 (Closed): add support for MN.generateIdentifier()
The R dataone package does not yet expose the "MNStorage.generateIdentifier()": Matthew Jones

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