Bug #4151
Can not switch environments due to static library loading
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones over 11 years ago
Trying to switch the CN environment from the R client causes the error:
Error: The provided mnNodeid value is invalid for the DataONE environment
When one first opens R, running this succeeds:
@mn_nodeid <- "urn:node:mnDemo5" # MN for DEV env
cli <- D1Client("DEV", mn_nodeid)@
But then, if one tries to switch environments, the error above surfaces:
@ mn_nodeid <- "urn:node:mnSandboxUCSB1
cli <- D1Client("SANDBOX", mn_nodeid)@
The problem seems to be because R loads Java classes statically via a JNI interface, so I'm thinking that the library is caching the old environment and therefore not seeing the the MN you request. There's no way in R to cause the Java library to reload. I can consistently change environments as long as I restart R in between trying to switch environments with the D1Client.
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones over 10 years ago
- Due date changed from 2013-10-31 to 2014-09-10
Moved issue to github: https://github.com/DataONEorg/rdataone/issues/37
#3 Updated by Matthew Jones over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed