



From 2012-11-23 to 2012-12-22


20:56 Story #3433 (Closed): adapt R Client methods to fit in with R community expectations
I'd recommend avoiding the use of "data table" in a generic sense when actually referring to a data.frame. This is be... Rob Nahf
20:54 Task #3432 (Closed): create documentation (.Rd files) for R Client
Karthik's proposal is to use oxygen, to allow inline documentation (literate programming)
Rob Nahf
20:49 Story #3430 (Closed): Should be able to include pre-existing objects in a new package and create ...
the create method should be able to recognize a pre-existing object that's part of a new data-package and not throw ... Rob Nahf


20:39 Story #3428 (Closed): Add archive capability to R client
Consider adding the archive function to hide a package from search for the r client. This is useful for testing and ... Bruce Wilson
20:35 Feature #3427 (Closed): A store and retrieve operation for a data frame loses types for some of t...
For example, retrieving the object stored with the script Bruce Wilson


19:16 Task #853: add R client DataPackage constructors from data or science metadata
For a given pid, getD1Object can return either a data object, metadata object, or resourceMap object (the packaging m... Rob Nahf
19:07 Task #852 (In Review): extend the R client DataPackage class to support data and metadata storage...
need Matt and others to review Rob Nahf
19:06 Task #849 (Closed): modify R client to download system and science metadata
completed coding for in the R client, such that the R D1Object S4 class wraps the java D1Object (and the R DataPackag... Rob Nahf

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