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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
1339InfrastructureTaskNewNormal"common" -> "base" or "foundation"2011-02-09 23:19
1335InfrastructureTaskNewNormalLocal caching of the d1 schema.2011-02-09 22:56
4059InfrastructureTaskNewNormalAdd test to verify node is reporting correct nodeId in log recordsRob Nahf2013-10-07 19:10
4053InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalArchitect OPeNDAP MNDave Vieglais2013-10-06 20:11mn.OPeNDAP
7744InfrastructureTaskNewNormalput together initial design2016-06-22 17:19
3978InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalAdd a CN reporting script that summarizes spatial data for the dashboardChris Jones2014-03-31 17:41d1_dashboard
7767InfrastructureTaskNewNormalIn DataONE search results, move map display to map extent Dave Vieglais2016-05-04 18:31
7774InfrastructureTaskNewNormalGMN: Move to Let's Encrypt2016-05-09 22:16
1334InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCompletely remove detailCode2011-02-09 22:51
7822InfrastructureTaskNewNormalShould we configure clients to use Expect 100-Continue header in 1.1 requestsRob Nahf2016-06-03 19:46d1_libclient_java
3974InfrastructureTaskNewNormalComplete agenda for meetingDave Vieglais2013-09-11 20:59
3925InfrastructureTaskNewNormalnavigate through the ResourceMap confirm existence of identifiers on the MNRob Nahf2014-10-01 22:04MNWebChecker
7850InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPassing SID to MNRead.systemMetadataChanged()Dave Vieglais2016-07-20 20:00
1333InfrastructureTaskNewNormaltraceInformation -> trace2011-02-09 22:46
3924InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPids in ObjectList should be the same as pids in the systemMetadata MapRob Nahf2014-10-01 22:04MNWebChecker
7883InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDocument the log files of relevance on Coordinating Nodes2016-09-09 20:20
7884InfrastructureTaskNewNormalCN portal log is misconfiguredRob Nahf2016-09-09 20:18d1_portal_servlet
7890InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalconfigure jenkins-ucsb-1 apache server to host ubuntu repositoriesRob Nahf2017-04-19 19:12
1332InfrastructureTaskNewNormalPossibly remove MN_crud.update()2011-02-09 22:50
7910InfrastructureTaskNewNormalschema validation behaviorRob Nahf2018-01-18 02:41d1_common_java
3907InfrastructureTaskNewNormalMN Integration Test - verify system metadata returned matches expectedRob Nahf2013-08-09 18:48d1_integration
3905InfrastructureTaskIn ProgressNormalSort out shell logins for splunk systemBruce Wilson2013-08-23 13:27Support Operations
3901InfrastructureTaskNewNormalReview Mozilla Persona as an alternative for identity managementDave Vieglais2013-08-09 11:57Documentation
7371InfrastructureBugNewNormalA systemMetadata update that changes the formatID from DATA to METADATA or RESOURCE_MAP will not upload the object to the CNRobert Waltz2015-09-22 21:47d1_cn_service
8380InfrastructureBugNewNormalMN.update method doesn't check if the authoritativeMN is null on the system metadata of the new objectJing Tao2018-03-02 21:53Metacat
(876-900/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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