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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated Category
7925DUGTaskNewNormalData Center certification2016-11-08 21:33
7862DUGTaskNewNormalDataONE DUG page may need updating ( 15:00
7909DUGTaskNewNormalDataONE update audio/visual equipment for remote link2016-10-11 20:49
8601InfrastructureDecisionNewNormalDecide on a URI space for DataONE resources2018-07-18 21:42
8736InfrastructureStoryNewNormalDecouple the index generator to the hazelcast system metadata map2019-01-22 19:27d1_indexer
4661Java ClientTaskNewNormalDeprecated methods give no indication of the (Java) version in which they will be removed2015-02-11 20:08
7571CN RESTTaskNewNormalDescription for error code 401, detail code 4957 is misleading in some cases2016-01-05 16:25
1644DataONE APIStoryNewNormalDevelop an object format creation policy2018-01-17 20:46
8349Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalDevelop or Implement MN Software2018-02-08 15:28
8340Testing MN ManagementStoryNewNormalDiscovery2018-02-08 15:28
8381Testing MN ManagementStoryNewNormalDiscovery2018-02-27 17:32
8351Testing MN ManagementTaskNewNormalDisplay as Upcoming2018-02-08 15:28
7883InfrastructureTaskNewNormalDocument the log files of relevance on Coordinating Nodes2016-09-09 20:20
7864DUGTaskNewNormalDOI Services for Members2016-08-09 20:40
7907DUGTaskNewNormalDoodle poll on the time/date for monthly meeting2016-10-11 20:35
7476DUGTaskNewNormalDo we need an event management system to better organize the DUG?2015-11-09 22:43
7473DUGTaskNewNormalDraft 2016 DUG annual meeting brochure2015-11-09 22:38
7474DUGTaskNewNormalDraft generic letter of invitation that DUG SC can carry and distribute widely.2015-11-09 22:38
7484DUGTaskNewNormalDUG Agenda2015-11-10 21:39
8548Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormalEarthdata powered by EOSDIS2018-04-17 19:51
8549Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormalEarth Resources Observation and Science Center2018-04-17 19:55
2151InfrastructureTaskNewNormalEnsuring that cited objects are not deleted2011-12-23 04:20
8630CN RESTBugNewNormalequivalentIdentity values use uppercase letters when the same person subject values are lowercase2018-06-26 14:15d1_identity_manager
8550Member NodesMNDeploymentNewNormalESGF - Earth System Grid Federation2018-04-17 19:58
4091InfrastructureStoryNewNormalESRI GeoPortal MN stack2013-10-15 13:36
(851-875/1153) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 500

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