Task #8670
MNDeployment #7969: FEMC (Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative) - was VMC Vermont Monitoring Cooperative
FEMC - upgrade GMN 2.3.7 to 3.0.4
#1 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
8/2/18 - Mike: I'll check with IT and see what route we can go.
#2 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
8/27/18: follow-up email to Mike Finnegan
Mike reply:
We've been working with our IT department to try to figure out a way they would feel comfortable having the upgrade completed.
We proposed having one of us (Jim or myself) do the work with Roger holding our hand along the way, that way we wouldn't need to have a contract with DataONE to do the work, but their concern here is that we might not know what exactly the commands we are issuing are doing, therefore acting blindly, which doesn't really help from a security standpoint. They were also concerned about the sensitivity of the data on the platform, whether it was public or protected/sensitive data, to which I believe it is just the metadata, so not particularly sensitive (no SSN's or the like).
Finally, they also have some agreement templates that can be used for this kind of work, which might be able to be used if DataONE is willing to agree. This may be the easiest way to go and I will follow up with them immediately to get more information on this option.
#3 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
Roger reply:
I understand IT department's reluctance to provide sudo access.
I don't mind signing an agreement. However, it turns out that the steps that require sudo are fairly general in nature, so I have been thinking of separating them out, so that they can be performed by the on-site administrator. After that, I could connect and perform the remaining steps as a regular user.
How about we hold off on the upgrade for a bit while I work through tests of such an approach locally, and I'll try to get back to you this week with instructions on how to perform the steps that require sudo?
#4 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
9/4/18: Testing new install procedure with separate section for sudo access (Roger)
#5 Updated by Amy Forrester over 6 years ago
We're waiting for them to get approval from their IT dept on our suggested two stage GMN upgrade.
We will need to poke Mike Finnegan again. He said he would check with IT back on 9/10/18.
#6 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago
3/5/19: reach out to Mike
#7 Updated by Amy Forrester about 6 years ago
Mike reply:
We're in the process of upgrading all the backend software on our web server and were planning to reach out to you during this process. So, yes, I think we can definitely get back on top of this and I apologize it has taken so very long. Our IT folks never responded after months of attempts, so I think we'll just try to do it ourselves with Roger's assistance.
#8 Updated by Amy Forrester over 5 years ago
Mike Finnegan left, working with Jim Duncan
from Jim: I confirmed with our ISO that we are fine to execute commands, but if you want to connect to our system, we need a service agreement signed by our two institutions. Do you have a preferred way to proceed?