


Support #8021

GRIIDC - Setting up a Test Server and Interested in using GMN2

Added by Monica Ihli about 8 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

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Joe at GRIIDC is interested in creating a test environment. Their local system is undergoing changes, and a test server would be helpful for ensuring continued harmony between GRIIDC and DataONE systems. Joe also recognizes setting up a test server as an opportunity to test upgrading to GMN v2.

General strategy for proceeding:

  • Reactivate the DataONE configuration for a previously setup test server.
  • This means that Joe can recycle existing certificates, file, etc as these are already setup to work on the DataONE end.
  • Once the machine is setup, Joe will run a practice upgrade from GMN v1 the test server to GMN v2.
  • Thoroughly test the GMN v2 instance.
  • Upgrade the production server to GMN v2 when satisfied with testing.
  • The test server will continue to exist even after production is upgraded, in order to fulfill the need for a continually available test environment to ensure that GRIIDC system changes outside of DataONE do not cause unexpected consequences.

Some notes on testing:
Any new adjustments to scripts or the adapter do not require immediately being actively connected to the CN for testing. The preferred approach would be to begin with testing the integration of the repository and GMNv2 via adapter in the member node's local environment before extending testing to include synchronization with the Stage CN. As a standalone test instance which has not been connected to CN yet, it is without consequence to wipe and start over as needed.

Next Steps:
The GRIIDC test setup in DataONE's stage environment is currently set to down, which means the CN are not attempting to communicate with the test server. When Joe has his machine setup, he will attempt the upgrade. DataONE will continue to provide support throughout this process as needed.

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#1 Updated by Monica Ihli about 8 years ago

#2 Updated by Monica Ihli about 8 years ago

  • Assignee set to Monica Ihli

#3 Updated by Monica Ihli almost 8 years ago

Today I walked Joe through demonstrations of CRU'D' operations in v2 with demonstration scripts. The existence of series identifiers was new to Joe. As he was familiar with basic create and read operations such as getSystemMetadata(), we focused on learning about the function of .update() and .archive(), in addition to understanding the role and behavior of series identifiers.

Joe is running into some installation issues with GMN v2. More specifically, he has observed errors arising at the point in which the command is executed to initialize the database. However, there also appears to be some problems getting SSL setup correctly. He is using both (which serves the default apache file without issue on port 80, but results in an access forbidden error on https) and (which fails to resolve at all-- I have advised to review DNS configurations for this subdomain).There may be some characteristics of his network environment and firewall configurations which complicate the setup, and Joe is going to look into that further.

After our meeting today, I have proposed to Joe that we attempt to isolate SSL and network issues from any other problems that may be occurring with regard to the database or web application. I will provide Joe an example of a simple virtualhost file without any reference to GMN. We simply need to get the certificate and web server configurations functional before worrying about what's going on with the application side of things.

My to-do list:
- Send Joe a 443 vhost file with instructions.
- Joe also needs a demo script for generation of data packages in v2.

#4 Updated by Mark Servilla almost 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from New to Closed

GMN v2 has been deployed to existing production server. New servers will be running GMN v2.4.2 in near future.

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