


Task #7945

Bug #7933: d1-index-task-processor stops processing task queue

D1-index-processor should be shut down soon after stop given

Added by Jing Tao over 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Target version:
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Currently, the d1-index-processor will be shut down until current index-tasks queue be completed. It may take a long time. We should put those index tasks which haven't done back to the d1-index task table and finish the current running task , then shut down it.

Associated revisions

Revision 18528
Added by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

refs #7945: Added logic to cascade interrupts to the ExecutorService when stop command is given. Needs testing. Needs better task cleanup logic.

Revision 18528
Added by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

refs #7945: Added logic to cascade interrupts to the ExecutorService when stop command is given. Needs testing. Needs better task cleanup logic.

Revision 18544
Added by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

refs #7945: Fixed logic that shutsdown the ExecutorService and returns the canceled tasks to NEW.

Revision 18544
Added by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

refs #7945: Fixed logic that shutsdown the ExecutorService and returns the canceled tasks to NEW.

Revision 18546
Added by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

refs #7945: minor code cleanup.

Revision 18546
Added by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

refs #7945: minor code cleanup.


#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 8 years ago

Need to diagnose what's going on here. If it involves too much refactoring then we should move to be part of the 2.4 release.

Immediate task is to identify and document why index processor takes many hours to shut down.

#2 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

  • Category set to d1_indexer

The BATCH_UPDATE_SIZE constant found in class, doesn't seem to be used anywhere - only in commented out code. It looks like the ProcessorJob gets all of the index tasks, and interrupts are handled such that new jobs are not scheduled, but existing ones finish up.

I'm not certain, but it looks like the task is only removed from the queue when the item is fully processed. This means that the index processor is very interruptable, with the only consequence being that current in-memory state is lost - maybe including notes on whether a resource map is ready to be processed.

#3 Updated by Jing Tao about 8 years ago

This is my feeling as well.

#4 Updated by Jing Tao about 8 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Jing Tao to Rob Nahf

#5 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

  • Parent task set to #7933

#6 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 30

stopping the index processor is done via services d1-index-processor stop command (/etc/init.d/d1-index-processor stop) on the command line.

The stop command successfully stops the scheduler but isn't interrupting the ExecutorService that has spooled up an in-memory queue of tasks to execute (by 5 worker threads).

The IndexTaskScheduler.stop() method needs to send an interrupt to each executing IndexTaskProcessorJob, which in turn needs to tell its IndexTaskProcessor to finish fast. This means Calling shutdown on the ExecutorService. shutdown cancels all of the queued tasks it hasn't gotten to yet, guaranteeing that the worker threads only finish up their current task.

Those canceled tasks will have to be put back into NEW state, either at shutdown, or at next start up.

#7 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

  • Subject changed from D1-index-processor should be shut down soon to D1-index-processor should be shut down soon after stop given

#8 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 50
  • Status changed from In Progress to Testing

#9 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

testing of 2.3(.1) branch in SANDBOX shows quick shutdown, but failure to move canceled tasks out of 'IN PROCESS' state and back to 'NEW'. the related logging statements also are not being logged, leading me to believe that there may be some class loader involvement with the scheduler, because the method which implements shutdown is a static method.

IF immediate safe shutdown is affected, although tasks left in bad status, that could be good enough for the point release.

#10 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

Finally got shutdown to work gracefully and clean up after itself. Not the cleanest looking code. Creating such a long execution queue is considered a bad practice. Better would be to have the processor periodically top-off a limited blocking queue when the number of tasks is getting low. (see

#11 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Testing to Closed
  • % Done changed from 50 to 100

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