


MNDeployment #7924

LTER-Spain network

Added by Laura Moyers over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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On 11/2/16, Daniel Fuentes from LTER-Spain inquired via Contact Us:

I'm Daniel Fuentes and I belong to the Ecology lab from the University of Granada (Spain). We also act as LTER-Spain. We are now involved in a new project to establish a local network of at least three nodes (three partners of the project) to share ecology metadata and we have decided to use Metacat as metadata publisher and harvester. Now we are deploying our Metacat and we have been talking with Matt and Christopher Jones who have recommended us to become a DataOne member.

This is our old metacat but we will update it soon to a new metacat version

Please indicate us which are the next steps to become a member node.

We have responded with questions (to be noted here with answers) to help evaluate how we might work together.


#1 Updated by Laura Moyers over 8 years ago

Meeting 11/18/16 - and email 11/21/16:

The government in Andalusia wishes to create a network to share information among the University of Granada (Sierra Nevada), the University of Almeria (Cabo de Gata), REDIAM (Coastal and Marine Information System of Andalusia) and the Biological Station of Donana. Donana isn’t ready to participate in such an activity at present, so the initial focus is on the other three.

The Sierra Nevada site has been up and running for ~3 years and anticipates more activity in future, especially with this network. Sierra Nevada is the LTER site for Spain. We have an off-line action to investigate if the LTER-Spain/Sierra Nevada site is sending content to LTER-Europe and identify any “collisions” between the proposed network’s activity with DataONE and LTER-Europe’s activity with DataONE. (John and Laura) The Sierra Nevada site has a Metacat instance up and running and uses EML for metadata.

REDIAM uses Geonetwork, and Cabo de Gata has no tool/metadata standard in place at the moment. After investigating available tools and solutions, DEIMS was chosen to be the metadata editor because it uses EML (although it has no harvester component). Metacat will be the catalog and connector between the three nodes. Daniel has a really good slide showing the relationship between the nodes and how each will use DEIMS/Metacat in the context of the network.

REDIAM will be the master node in the network, harvesting via Metacat from Sierra Nevada and Cabo de Gata. This is where we anticipate a potential DataONE Member Node.

Sierra Nevada is ahead in this effort and plans to assist REDIAM and Cabo de Gata in setting up their Metacat and implementing DEIMS. They have a goal to have a prototype up and running by the end of the year. If all goes well, we may resume conversations about how the REDIAM/Sierra Nevada/Cabo de Gata network can work with DataONE in the new year. Depending on resource availability in Spain (particularly at REDIAM) and with DataONE, the time estimate to implement a MN for this network will vary. Daniel has already worked with Matt and Chris on the Metacat aspects of this project, and Jing provided some technical advice during the meeting.

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