Story #7754
Support for XSL transform of various metadata formats
Currently the DCX and ISO metadata formats are being rendered in the view service using solr output rather than a transform of the XML metadata. This results in a less than satisfactory rendering.
Goal of this story is to implement XSLT for metadata formats that currently are relying on the solr only rendering.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 8 years ago
- Target version changed from CCI-2.3.0 to CCI-2.4.0
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones over 8 years ago
Updated details from Dave Vieglais:
There’s actually two aspects of the search UI that need to be addressed, the second got boosted in priority today and it relates to the rendering of ISO metadata in the search UI, particularly that provided by the NCEI member node.
Currently the ISO TC 211 metadata is rendered from the content pulled form the search index which is only a small portion of the actual metadata. This rendering is very generic and really does not provide a satisfactory user experience.
In order to improve the rendering, it will be necessary to put together some XSLT that basically puts the ISO metadata into a form that aligns with that expected in the search UI.
I believe Lauren, Ben and Chris have the most experience with the requirements there. Perhaps a good start might be to check with Lauren on what the expected form of the rendered content is and get familiarized with the how the UI gets the content rendered.
As far as priorities are concerned, both are pretty high though I suspect there’s a lot more work involved in the NCEI transforms. It may be prudent to focus on the service registration pieces first.
I will collate the feedback we’ve gotten so far from NCEI and try and forward early next week. In general terms though, we are talking about basically any of the NCEI content which is of format type "”. This random selection gives an indication of how many of the results appear:{A3B11DED-06F1-4ED2-A834-5714A6837E32}
#3 Updated by Matthew Jones over 8 years ago
I think it would be great if this also was able to render the other ISO formatId,, as the two schemas are essentially identical but vary in a few places. NRDC has test documents for that, such as this one:
That one is ind of minimal, so it might be good to look through the whole list:\://,title,authoritativeMN
#4 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Dave Vieglais to Bryce Mecum
#5 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 8 years ago
- Target version changed from CCI-2.4.0 to CCI-2.3.1
#6 Updated by Bryce Mecum almost 8 years ago
I forgot to update this ticket when I made progress (though I did mention it on Slack). My latest work is live on cn-stage. An example rendering can be found at
Some notes which are really questions:
- How much of the standard does this stylesheet need to cover? aka how do I know I'm done?
- We have Objects that have the normal GMD format ID but these NCEI docs are registered with their own format ID. I assume we want to support rendering both but I'm not familiar with how the NOAA variant works. Some guidance here would be appreciated.
#7 Updated by Dave Vieglais almost 8 years ago
- Target version changed from CCI-2.3.1 to CCI-2.4.0
#8 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
#9 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 7 years ago
- Sprint set to Infrastructure backlog
#10 Updated by Bryce Mecum over 6 years ago
Hey Dave, I think we can close this one as this is done. What do you think?