Bug #7554
logsolr endpoint returning fewer records when called as authenticated user
Lauren is seeing far fewer records returned when searching the logsolr endpoint as an authenticated user. MetacatUI reports summary stats and calls the endpoint with an authentication token.
curl -v "https://cn-sandbox.test.dataone.org/cn/v2/query/logsolr/?q=+event:read+formatType:METADATA&facet=true&facet.limit=-1&facet.mincount=1&facet.range=dateLogged&facet.range.start=NOW-20YEARS&facet.range.end=NOW&facet.range.gap=%2B1MONTH&wt=json&rows=0" -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"
Gives me 100x fewer records than without a token:
{"responseHeader":{"status":0,"QTime":457,"params":{"facet":"true","facet.mincount":"1","q":" event:read formatType:METADATA","facet.range.start":"NOW-20YEARS","facet.limit":"-1","facet.range":"dateLogged","facet.range.gap":"+1MONTH","facet.range.end":"NOW","wt":"json","rows":"0"}},"response":{"numFound":2496,"start":0,"docs":[]},"facet_counts":{"facet_queries":{},"facet_fields":{},"facet_dates":{},"facet_ranges":{"dateLogged":{"counts":["2015-10-15T17:27:12.436Z",272,"2015-11-15T17:27:12.436Z",2224],"gap":"+1MONTH","start":"1995-12-15T17:27:12.436Z","end":"2015-12-15T17:27:12.436Z"}},"facet_intervals":{},"facet_heatmaps":{}}}
Associated revisions
fixes #7554
Faceting summary totals should be equal regardless if user is authenticated or if user is public. If a solr query against the event_index is a faceted query, then always return the facet summary information as if the user is a public user.
fixes #7554
Faceting summary totals should be equal regardless if user is authenticated or if user is public. If a solr query against the event_index is a faceted query, then always return the facet summary information as if the user is a public user.
fixes #7554
Faceting summary totals should be equal regardless if user is authenticated or if user is public. If a solr query against the event_index is a faceted query, then always return the facet summary information as if the user is a public user.
fixes #7554
Faceting summary totals should be equal regardless if user is authenticated or if user is public. If a solr query against the event_index is a faceted query, then always return the facet summary information as if the user is a public user.
refs #7554
moving to branch
Faceting summary totals should be equal regardless if user is authenticated or if user is public. If a solr query against the event_index is a faceted query, then always return the facet summary information as if the user is a public user.
refs #7554
moving to branch
Faceting summary totals should be equal regardless if user is authenticated or if user is public. If a solr query against the event_index is a faceted query, then always return the facet summary information as if the user is a public user.
#1 Updated by Robert Waltz about 9 years ago
From the standup meeting on Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015. All faceting will be evaluated as if the user is a public user. A public user has access to summary information that does not reveal ipAddress, readPermission, subject, or rightsHolder.
#2 Updated by Robert Waltz about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
#3 Updated by Robert Waltz about 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 30 to 100