MNDeployment #7552
iDigBio - Integrated Digitized Biocollections
This is to document activity related to the possible collaboration with iDigBio as a Member Node, identified as an organization of interest. See website
We have had discussions with iDigBio previously, with the latest I have documented being an email 1/25/15 from Deb Paul in response to a query by Amber Budden.
Amber said: wrt to iDigBio becoming a DataONE Member Node, I have cc'd Laura Moyers our MN Coordinator. I asked her to take a look at the records and it seems that Alex Thompson and Andrea Matsunaga attended a MN call in spring 2013 but that we haven't really been in touch since. Are they still the correct people to talk to? Could you make introductions between all of us if this is something you would like to move forward with, or at least get more information about?
Deb responded: I'll get back to you on this. I did catch up with Andrea Matsunaga on this. No need to do anything on your end yet.
#1 Updated by Amber Budden about 9 years ago
By way of follow up... I also had a conversation with Greg Riccardi and Kevin Love while at a training event in September 2015. They indicated that they see value in joining DataONE, that it didn't seem to be a complex undertaking to join DataONE but that the issue is time availability.