Bug #7456
synchronization replica auditing is not releasing NodeComms
Jing noticed that we are getting errors in notifying replicas, getting 'No NodeComms Available" exceptions. SyncObjectTask seems to manage the state of the NodeComm it creates, but auditReplicaSysmeta (in old TransferObjectTask) and notifyReplicaSysmeta (in V2TransferObjectTask) does not.
Associated revisions
fixes #7456: refactored out use of NodeComms for contacting replica nodes. In the older TransferObjectTask, preserved the behavior but put a finally block that returns the NodeComm to the "pool." (resets it to Available). Also fixed logic that wasn't filtering out the authMN when it was supposed to.
fixes #7456: refactored out use of NodeComms for contacting replica nodes. In the older TransferObjectTask, preserved the behavior but put a finally block that returns the NodeComm to the "pool." (resets it to Available). Also fixed logic that wasn't filtering out the authMN when it was supposed to.
fixes #7456: In the older TransferObjectTask, preserved the behavior but put a finally block that returns the NodeComm to the "pool." (resets it to Available).
fixes #7456: In the older TransferObjectTask, preserved the behavior but put a finally block that returns the NodeComm to the "pool." (resets it to Available).
#1 Updated by Rob Nahf about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset java-client:d1client|r16776.