Bug #7455
togglePortsAndReplication failing on tomcat stop
Start date:
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Product Version:
Story Points:
The script confirms that tomcat7 has exited after a service stop. The test was using 'pidof java', which was too imprecise, especially now that we have solr cloud running.
The test needs to change either using 'services status', or check for the .pid file in /var/run/ (/var/run/tomcat7.pid)
Associated revisions
fixes #7455. created new check for tomcat based on existence of /var/run/tomcat7.pid file. Also added a reciprocal tomcat start after the port reconfigure, which was curiously missing from previous versions.
#1 Updated by Rob Nahf over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
refactored the script in subversion. There isn't a deployment script, so manually deployed on DEV-2. It worked better in the recent upgrade.
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf about 9 years ago
- Target version changed from CCI-2.0.0 to CCI-2.0.3
#3 Updated by Rob Nahf about 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 30 to 100